2024-05 IMC Nomination Thread

Alignment Statement

The main value proposition I see in crypto is the potential to disrupt intermediaries and provide sovereignty to individuals where the only requirement to participate is an internet connection. I think Ethereum aspires to be a logical implementation of that vision, where Rocket Pool can extend participation in the system to a wider set of individuals. I became a Node Operator for Rocket Pool in 2022, and since then the RPL/ETH in minipools has become a significant investment for me.

Conflict Statement

I don’t have any conflicts of interest. I prefer to be deeply involved in a single community (Rocket Pool) over shallow involvement in several. I don’t have any meaningful crypto exposure to anything else besides ETH/RPL. I received the Diva airdrop (but it is nontransferable at the moment).

Identity Statement

I’m in my late-20s and work as an Electrical Engineer in the semiconductor industry. I was able to meet several folks in person at Eth Denver this past year where I helped present on the proposed tokenomics changes.

Contribution Statement

I have a curiosity for emerging technologies, which led me to electrical engineering and more recently crypto/ethereum/rocket pool. I have enjoyed becoming more involved in Rocket Pool this past 6 months, especially with the opportunity to assist with tokenomics changes/proposals. I’d like to gain a better understanding of DeFi protocols more broadly and assist with the variety of tasks on the IMC.


Alignment Statement

I’ve been in the community since September 2021 which is before Rocket Pool launched on mainnet. I’ve read or skimmed every message in #trading since then. I’ve visited this DAO forum 712 different days. I have >100 RP-related POAPs.

Conflict Statement

I hold RPL, ETH, rETH and a non-significant amount of other tokens.

I received the standard 12k DIVA airdrop for a couple of accounts. I’ve been active in their Discord and they gave me a Super OG role for my support to others during their testnet. I also built Divascan which is like Rocketscan but for Diva. I hope to get some tokens for that from their DAO. If it’s lucrative I may continue working on it.

Identity Statement

I’d like to stay pseudo anonymous. I’ve met the team and other community members at Devconnect in Amsterdam in 2022 and at ETHDenver in 2023.

Contribution Statement

I built Rocketscan. I’m also running 5,000 Holesky genesis validators representing the Rocket Pool community. There’s more older contributions listed under oDAO Membership Interest - peteris

I’m currently (f)unemployed and would like to learn more about and build some tools or do some analysis for DeFi protocols related to rETH and RPL.


Alignment Statement

I’ve been part of the Rocket Pool community since the parcticpating in the Pyrmont Beta in March of '21. I validated minipools on mainnet from March of '22 until February of '24 when I exited for risk management reasons. That said, I am eagerly looking forward to rejoining Rocket Pool as a node operator on the beacon chain with Saturn. I love the goals of Ethereum to build and sustain a permissionless and shared, and social computation platform that can be used to build truly empowering applications for all. And I love Rocket Pool’s mission to sustain and improve Ethereum’s decentralization by enabling permissionless node operation for the protocol. I strongly believe that if Rocket Pool succeeds, my (r)Eth bags will also succeed.

I believe Rocket Pool as a protocol has an incredibly bright future ahead of it as we make the necessary tokenomics changes to enable much better growth with Saturn. That said, while I have an immense amount of respect for the RPL bulls in the community, holding RPL is more risk for me than I am comfortable with for the next 6-12 months.

I am a long time Linux and Open source geek, and strongly believe that when folks have more control over their computers and software, and the abstraction layers within them are allowed to be poked through and proded, people are empowered to build truly awesome things.

I’ve been happy to serve Rocket Pool on the IMC for the past year, and I am pleased to continue that service – if the PDAO will have me.

Conflict statement

I don’t believe i have any serious conflicts with the goals of the IMC or Rocket Pool more broadly. My main crypto holdings at the moment are Eth, rETh, and USDC. I also have some airdrops that are either slowly vesting or awaiting transferability (vCow, Safe, Diva and Avail), which I don’t plan on holding long term.

I am a registered and approved node operator for NodeSet. I do plan on participating in their operator offerings as it makes business sense to do so and while still aligned the promotion of Ethereum’s decentralization.

I may particpate from time to time in the liquidity pools that the IMC incentivizes, but I haven’t recently for tax reasons.

There isn’t much else in crypto that really strikes my interests at the moment as my tolerance for risk in the cryto ecosystem has become increasingly curtailed and I’m rather cricital of the meme-coin and points farming meta’s. My tradfi investments are mainly in target date index funds that I barely pay any attention to.

Identity Statement

I go by ‘NonFungibleYokem’ here and on the RP Discord. My formal Discord handle is @yokem55. I go by ‘Yokem’ as a shorthand if people like.

I am in my early 40’s and live in Oregon with my teenage and young adult kids where I work as a network and systems admin and team lead for a small B2B focused networking services company that I’ve been at for over 10 years.

I prefer to remain pseudo anonymous, although I’m happy to share more about myself in private. I met many members of the community and the team in-person at the Liftoff Conference in Denver this year.

Contribution Statement

  • I’ve served on the IMC for the past term where I’ve been dilligent about reviewing and signing transactions, looking over potential partner protocols, and researching what the contract interactions with them might look like. I try to participate in discussions and questions as they come up. When Maverick (the protocol, not our esteemed community manager) was looking like an option for incentives, I raised opposition due to their main liquidity pool contract being unverified with the source code unavailable. Over the past months as the RPL/ETH ratio has declined, I’ve pushed budgetary discussions gently towards spending cuts so as to hopefully preserve our future capacity for incentives. More recently I’ve started working on proposing the structure for allocating and distributing the RPIP-41 committee stipend funds within the IMC. in the coming term, I would like to continue that work and possibly take on the role of treasurer – if the rest of the committee would like.
  • I’m currently working on MevMonitor - an MEV relay data aggregation, indexing and re-publishing service with a grant from the GMC. I gave a talk at the LiftOff conference about it.
  • I’ve kicked off the process and discussion for building an RPIP about how to setup and structure the security council so it can be a community based entity at some point after Houston launches.
  • I am in the Rocket Pool “Holesky NEEEEERDS” genesis validators group and am committed to running 5K holesky validators for the life of the testnet. Watching the VC logs whir by with ~150+ attestations every slot is a small bit of joy in my life.

Additional info

  • I believe the IMC is going to need to be incredibly creative over the coming months to maintain the liquidity depth we’re currently incentivizing without wiping out our runway and POL nest-egg. Some hard choices will probably have to be made about how we go about shaping our budget so that we have the capacity for incentives when Saturn comes.
  • I tend to think the IMC is going to need more formalized roles and assigned duties - if only because keeping the stipend distribution fair will require it. I also think the commitee will need to be more aggressive about replacing members that have become disengaged. The work of all 9 members is needed.
  • Lastly, I’d like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to serve and contribute in a community that is frankly , a shining beacon in the broader crypto ecosystem that often seems totally overrun with grift and scams. I probably would have noped (or been completely rekt) out of crypto if it wasn’t for this community.

Alignment Statement

I joined Rocket Pool with a single minipool soon after the Atlas launch. I was intrigued by Ethereum staking and had enough confidence to jump in when withdrawals went live. Initially I came for the tech, but I stayed for the community. I still have a lot to learn in this space, and joining the IMC would be a great opportunity for me to do so.

Conflict Statement

I don’t believe I have any. The bulk of my crypto exposure is to ETH and RPL. While I do hold tokens of other protocols and even on other chains, they are insignificant compared to RPL.

Identity Statement

I’m a soon-to-graduate Computer Science master’s student in Zurich, Switzerland and will start working as a software engineer for a major US tech company later this year.

Contribution Statement

Admittedly I haven’t made as many contributions to the community as most of the other candidates, partly because I have only really been active on the server for 9 months or so. A lot of this time was spent helping people in #support. I’ve also helped out here and there by writing small scripts for airdrop eligibility checks / claims and I also made RocketScrape, which has been useful to gather metrics for a few protocol-related things.


Alignment Statement

I spend every day thinking about and existing in the Rocket Pool ecosystem through my work and my personal interest in the protocol and community. For the majority of people inside and outside of Rocket Pool, I am ones of the faces of the community.

Conflict Statement

Almost all of my crypto holdings are in RPL and ETH with some small holdings of airdrops I have been given/farmed.

I was given an OG airdrop of the DIVA token that is currently locked and valueless. I am also a Diva voting delegate. However, my interest in the Diva ecosystem has waned significantly in recent months, and I am not spending any time in that community anymore. I will likely sell my DIVA airdrop at the first opportunity I get.

I am a member of the pDAO’s grants management committee, and I have served there since its inception. I do not believe this will act as any kind of impediment to my work on the IMC.

Identity Statement

I have met approx 100 people from the Rocket Pool community at meet ups in Chicago and at ETH Denver in 2023 and 2024. Many people in the community know my full name, my address, and my phone number. However, I would prefer this information is not publicly disclosed.

I worked as a teacher for 7 years and then worked at a university in an admin position. However, for the last 21 months, my full time job has been working on Rocket Fuel - a daily news show focusing on Rocket Pool. I would like to continue with this work for as long as the GMC deems it valuable.

Contribution Statement

I contribute to Rocket Pool everyday through making Rocket Fuel. I have also been a member of the GMC since its inception. Rocket Pool is my full time job.

If chosen for the IMC, I would love to help by being the treasurer or helping talk to potential partner protocols about integrations and partnerships. If nothing else, I would be happy to help verify and signing transactions promptly.


Alignment Statement

Both philosophically and economically, I am aligned with Rocket Pool. My descent into the crypto world was based on a desire to create a more equitable world where individuals didn’t face discrimination in the process of just accessing the financial world. I have written about the inherent subjectivity of blockchain technology in that code is a reflection of values. I believe Rocket Pool is a strong reflection of my own values. Economically, I have been the beneficiary of several gifts and a GMC grant and so the success of Rocket Pool is in my best interests.

Conflict Statement

I hold small allocations of LDO and JTO. Further, I occasionally field questions from other LSD protocols. However, I received an OG Diva airdrop and am a major voting delegate in the DIVA DAO at roughly 1m delegation.

Identity Statement

My name is Jaspreet Kalsi. I am a 25 26-year-old living in New Jersey. I’ve posted a variety of personal details around and if someone wanted to doxx me they very easily could. Despite this, I prefer to operate under a pseudonym. I study medicine at Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine.

Contribution Statement

Most of my contributions are summarized in my retroactive award application found here.

My first term on the IMC was focused on the public relations/business development aspect of the IMC. I, alongside Val, would act as go-betweens for chats with protocols whether on telegram, twitter, or (rarely) discord. I fancy myself as a ‘signer of last resort’ and my focus is on engagement over transactions.

My role on the Twitter Spaces offers a natural confluence as I interface with potential and existing partners regularly for the entire community to watch and ask questions.

Additional Information

I am an Ethereum ecosystem maxi and will operate with that bias - for example, I am immediately skeptical of things originating from BSC, Avax, or Sol. I believe this bias of mine should be publicly known.

Further, medical school occasionally places great demands on my time and so my contributions can be relatively ‘bursty.’


Alignment Statement

I honestly believe RP has the right Ethos to prosper, i remember reading about legitimacy and that concept always stayed with me, and rocketpool has always been very consistent with the values it pursued, there is no middle ground in this type of things, and i think that this things matter and will eventually be key for success.

I am rooting for Rocketpool because i own RPL so i want it to grow but i am also rooting because i believe blockchain and rocketpool with it have the potential to improve the world, as corny as that my sound.

Conflict Statement

I don’t believe I have any. The bulk of my crypto exposure is to ETH and RPL. While I do hold tokens of other protocols and even on other chains, they are insignificant compared to RPL/ETH.
I am not expert in this type of declarations i hope i am not missing something important you guys should be aware of.

Identity Statement

I have 2 daughters, I live with them and their mother whom I love in Argentina. I work as Sales Director for a fortune 500 american company.

Contribution Statement

I feel a little embarrassed of this part because i dont believe i have the right skills to contribute profoundly because i am not programmer and dont have deep knowledge of how blockchain works in the core.

But taking into account thos limitation i find the below text to describe a bit of what i feel has been something similar to a contribution:

I participated in the ICO at the last minute, Worthalter had commented on how interesting Rocketpool was and I bought the concept from time 0, I didn’t had enough ether to be able to participate and at the last minute I managed to raise a decent amount and I’m sure Dave doesn’t remember anymore but I wrote to him in discord and he gave me instructions to be able to participate. I think it was the last day of the ICO.

I never thought that I would become a node operator but by being present and reading the updates I really wanted to try it, I gathered enough courage thanks to the encouragement of JCRTP and his support (that I deeply appreciate) he was kind enough to explain me step by step every time I had an issue with the guide and luckily I was able to run a node in a beta with a raspberry pi,I even got some rewards in rpl that where enough to pay for the PI thanks to the performance of it during the beta (lol), I remember the whole process…. It’s hard to convey how crazy this whole thing was for me.

I helped create the rocketpool ping service to help the community stay informed in an agile way and I’m glad to see its adoption.

Currently I have my own node that I operate from phase 2 of the beginning of RPL, I managed to have the Day 1 Node Operator and Day 1 Reth Holder and I am very proud of them, additionally I am in charge of 3 other nodes in different locations of friends who decided to invest after hearing me talk so much on this topic, for reasons of order and traceability, I decided that each one should have their own node despite the fact that I am the one who operates them. In addition to enjoying the process, it is an excuse to visit my friends every time I have to update.

I leave you with my POAP collection, which I consider to be a good way to show part of my commitment to this community and to answer the question that gives rise to this short text.


Alignment Statement

Since learning about staking on Ethereum, and finding RocketPool in August of 2022, I could instantly see that RocketPool was who I wanted to use to stake. Fully decentralised, welcoming, helpful community and they really do care about home stakers. I loved seeing how all are welcome, regardless of the knowledge possessed around crypto.

Conflict Statement

I don’t believe I have any conflicts to disclose. I only hold ETH and RPL in my portfolio. I did initially use Lido to stake ETH when I was learning about Staking. Hopefully this isn’t an instant disqualification.

Identity Statement

I’m a 39 male who resides in Canada. I’m married and have a teenage son. My entire working career has been at the same Financial Institution, working in IT, starting on Helpdesk, moving to Server and Storage management, and have recently moved into IT Security, which I am loving. I’ve tried many times over the last few years to get the FI to look at incorporating Crypto in the banking platform, but no one seems interested….yet :blush:. This type of career gave me some of the skills required to be able to help and troubleshoot issues in the #Support Channel.

Contribution Statement

When I first started out reading how to run a RP validator, I searched for videos on YouTube to help me along the way. I didn’t see any videos, so I took it upon myself to document the steps as best I could and post numerous videos documenting every step. While the videos are somewhat dated now, I just wanted to show people how easy it was to setup a RP validator who may learn better by seeing the process versus reading the steps.

I then took this knowledge and started to help out in the support channel. I love being able to help fellow or potential NO when an issue strikes and get them back up and running, or answering a question that a potential NO might have. I have learned so much, and still have so much more to learn in that space, but I enjoy every minute of it.

Additional Information

My journey like most started with BTC, but quickly learned it wasn’t the coin for me. I found the community to be uptight and it was very difficult to have any type of conversation or debate with a BTC Maxi. This led me to Ethereum, and learning all Ethereum can do. I found the tech to be amazing, and the community open to discussing faults and fixes that Ethereum had. I hope that one day (maybe 10 or 20 years from now), crypto won’t be seen in such a negative light, and that BTC, ETH and other legitimate coins (Like RPL :blush:) can actually be discussed in public without people giving you a weird look. To sum it up, Almost 40, and just trying to live my best life and not take things to seriously. Have some fun, learn some stuff, make some friends.


That concludes the period for nominee statements.

Eligible Nominees will be peteris, samus, Valdorff, jasperthegovghost, NonFungibleYokem, DrWorm, phils.eth, waqwaqattack, astoneta, deukey, haloooloolo, and leighm.eth.

I’ll put up a member selection thread soon™.
The member selection thread is at 2024-05 IMC Members Selection

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Hi @NonFungibleYokem, can you explain this a bit more? What’s POL? What is changing that would impact liquidity depth? Where can I read about the mechanisms the IMC uses to incentivie liquidity.

What type of creative things do you think you’d suggest to the IMC?

Thanks to all the nominees for sharing! I really enjoyed getting a bit of color about all the folks I see in Discord every day. :+1:

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