Call For GMC Administrator Applications

I am submitting this updated application in response to the revised job description, which now aims to establish an interim position that develops a further expanded role. My original application can be found here [link]. I have made updates to align my application accordingly.

Hey, I’m ShfRyn, a 32-year-old node operator with a strong focus on RPL holdings. I bring a wealth of experience in web design, development, and online marketing. Throughout my career, I have specialized in business development, process building for a web development agency, and effectively coordinating employee development. Additionally, I hold a Scrum Master certification, further demonstrating my expertise in project management methodologies.

I initially joined the GMC in March. I took the initiative to assume administrative duties and provide crucial support in various areas. This expanded my responsibilities to include becoming a community liaison, updating and organizing spreadsheets, facilitating meetings, and driving governance initiatives, such as implementing rolling awards and retro cap adjustments. Over the past few months, I dedicated approximately 2 hours daily to successfully fulfill these responsibilities.

Understanding Of The Role
Having actively performed the GMC admin role, I possess a unique understanding of its intricacies and challenges. This firsthand experience equips me with a comprehensive perspective, making me highly qualified to contribute effectively to its further development. Here is my plan to document and enhance the role:

  1. Development and Implementation of Governance Initiatives

    • Enhancing the rolling awards system to optimize efficiency and effectiveness.
    • Implementing adjustments to the retrospective awards cap to improve accounting efficiency.
  2. Creation of an Administrative Processes Handbook

    • Establishing a comprehensive schedule encompassing payments, awards, nominations, and other GMC events.
    • Defining communication standards across platforms such as the DAO forum and Discord.
    • Establishing clear consensus guidelines for committee members when making different decisions.
    • Designing an onboarding process for new committee members and GMC admins.
    • Establish a comprehensive framework that outlines the GMC members’ involvement and contributions, enabling the community to gain transparency into each committee member’s specific activities.
    • Outlining the expanded GMC admin role responsibilities, including:
      • Ensuring equitable participation and fostering respectful discussions within the committee.
      • Maintaining accurate records and documentation, including scoring processes and relevant spreadsheets.
      • Leading discussions and drafting official GMC statements and proposals on the DAO forum.
      • Effectively communicating with members and the wider community.
      • Providing timely reminders for deadlines and important action items.
      • Collaborating with the community to enhance GMC processes and communicating improvements effectively.

If given the opportunity to serve in this position, I am committed to facilitating unbiased and fair discussions. To avoid any conflicts of interest, I am prepared to relinquish my voting power. During my term, I would be committed to actively seek recommendations and requests from the GMC to continuously refine and optimize my proposed blueprint for the expanded role.