Increasing GMC Share of Inflation Vote

The DAO began discussing the GMC’s share of inflation here on December 31, 2024.

After community input, a poll was held on March 11 to determine the preferred inflation split, with Option A emerging as the favored choice.

Option A

  • IMC / Incentives (e.g., LP bonuses): 50%
  • GMC / Grants and Bounties: 25%
  • Reserve Treasury: 25%

Before a formal vote could proceed, a decision was needed regarding the ODAO’s share of inflation. With the successful passage of RPIP-68 on March 19, the governance process for committee splits can now move forward.

An RPIP draft is live and has been merged here.

The contract parameters after a successful on-chain vote would be:

_contractName: GMC-2025-05
_recipientAddress: 0x6efD08303F42EDb68F2D6464BCdCA0824e1C813a
_amountPerPeriod: 5574738115527619071956
_periodLength: 2419200
_startTime: 1744263339
_numPeriods: 9

Sentiment Poll

  • Support moving to on-chain vote; I think this proposal is great
  • Support moving to on-chain vote; I think this is good enough
  • Undecided; other
  • Undecided; I have a specific question I’d like clarified in the comments below
  • Oppose moving to on-chain vote; I have a specific issue I’m mentioning in the comments below
  • Oppose moving to on-chain vote; other
0 voters

Given the current RPL price and its impact on the strength of the treasury, the GMC has decided not to pursue an increase to the global committee stipend rate for the foreseeable future. Should this stance change, the committee will aim to communicate its new position with ample notice.