Proposal to fund Bankless sponsorship(s)

Side question: given the additional awareness that’s to be expected from the campaign, do we think our website is optimized for converting the traffic? If not, it’s probably in our best interest to make adjustments to capture as many of the interested stakers as possible @langers


Like superphiz mentioned, being an odao member is a separate duty. So I don’t expect Bankless to give a discount.

One can hope that they will extend one in goodwill and to help contribute to decentralisation of their favorite asset.

Definitely needs to be done. All eyes will be on ethereum in the coming months and as they are the loudest voice we need to be represented on their platform. I really hope we dont miss this opportunity.

I believe Bankless is a fantastic funnel for onboarding new entrants. I used them a lot for my initial research. I began in Sept 2021 with them. that’s how I heard about RP (sassal), and why I learned how to spin up my node… (n of 1, I know).

Given NOs are the current constraint, should we focus the marketing on NO adoption?

I’m hopeful well executed content could increase the growth rate of new NOs spinning up their first validators with RP.

Definitely in favor of sponsoring Bankless. I’d like to understand the reason for inviting them to the oDAO if not to have a better relationship when we are in need of a marketing campaign. We should at least discuss having a discount, or their team helping with the content creation.

I, as a node operator, support this proposal.

I am in favor of this proposal. It is a perfect opportunity to kick off a marketing campaign leading up to the merge.

Strongly in favor of the Bankless ad. Would appreciate a friendly discount and/or paying in RPL, but it’s their choice and their offer to make.

Support Ken’s suggestion to hire 0xPatches for the support role. The ad will direct many new NOs our way and retaining our helpful & supportive #support channel is maintaining our identity.

Note that if we get the ad slot Lido will not get it. It’s either or. And once we got it, we have the option to retain it as long as we like. So as Pieter said, we might want to extend into Q4, especially if the merge doesn’t happen on the optimistic timeline.

Also suggest looking into enhancing our homepage and align its appearance as close to Ethereum as possible. We truly do embody Ethereum’s core values and should be recognized for and profit from that. That starts with look & feel.

I support this proposal.

I definitely support this proposal. it’s premium ad space, it would be ideal to bump Lido’s slot, and we need to start making the treasury work for us before more competitors get on the scene.

It might sound expensive first, but good things cost something.

Rocket Pool is quite present on reddits echo chamber (r/ethstaker and r/ethfinance) but I bet a large part of the Bankless audience haven’t heard of it, not to mention used it.

I support this proposal.

After reading through all the replies in this thread and a rethinking some of my initial hesitancy due to the price tag, I do think we need marketing and being a bankless subscriber I think they are a quality platform to use. I support this proposal!

Our sponsorship request has been submitted. As soon as I get more information I will let everyone know.

The cost for full shows (18x / month) ended up being US$234k for the quarter so currently 11,938 RPL (@ 19.60 USD/RPL).
For context, Bankless shows are expected to receive 7mil downloads across libsyn and YouTube in the next quarter.

They also suggested we might want to look at a “media blitz” first week of September for an additional US$50k.
This would include:

  • 4x mentions on the show
  • 8 tweets from RSA and David
  • 5x mentions on the newsletter
  • 2x mentions on Bankless Discord (1k subscribers)
  • 1x Tiktok style pitch video
  • 1x Bankless meme

Personally, I think it is a good upsell but we should define a overall marketing budget before we commit. Particularly, as others have suggested we may want to follow up with half show sponsorships.


Further discussion here on budget allocation:

I think we should negotiate for exclusivity for the quarter if that isn’t a thing already. I say we hold off on the media blitz upsell and put that towards advertising right before withdraws are enabled.

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Their media blitz is probably the thing I dislike the most about bankless. They kind of blend a product endorsement with their regular content in a very opaque/non-transparent way. That being said, it is probably very effective. It always makes me second guess if their content is not in fact an ad.

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Is this something that needs to be decided up front, or can we wait and see what kind of traffic we get from the regular ads?

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I’m late to the game, but I’m glad to hear we are moving forward with this. It is a pretty penny, but I think risks need to be taken in the early stages of any product. This seems to have some high upside and there doesn’t seem to be any alternatives that I have seen proposed. Due to this, opportunity costs don’t seem high relative to this option imo.

The only question that I have is how early do we have to commit to Q4 @langers ? Sorry if I missed that at some point, but that seems like the most pivotal question right now.

I support the additional spend for the media blitz during the 1st week of September. There will be FOMO around the merge and this will be the perfect time to capture ETH deposits as well as mind share.

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