Round 10 - GMC Call For Retrospective Applications - Deadline is March 10

Rocket Rescue Node - Solo Support and website overhaul dev work

Who is the proposed retrospective award recipient?

Rescue Node Multisig.

The multisig’s current balance is earmarked for hardware costs (or eventual return to the GMC). This retro would fund development work only.

What specific project or work is the retrospective award in recognition of? Please detail what the project or work entailed and the duration over which it took place.

The Rescue Node (maintenance of which is currently funded by a different grant) added support for solo validators.

Work roughly followed this tech spec: Solo Validator Support - Rocket Rescue Node Docs

We feel that the main beneficiaries of this work are, of course, the solo validators who now have access to the Rescue Node. However, we want to give the GMC the opportunity to ‘sponsor’ the work, since we believe it demonstrates a strong alignment with ethereum values.

The improved website provides a direct benefit to Rocket Pool Node Operators, but on its own (that is, ignoring the new functionality for solo validators) is perhaps not enough to merit the retroactive investment.

Are the subjects of this award entirely open source (MIT, GPL, Apache, CC BY license or similar)? If not, which parts will not be, why, and under what license will they be published?

Yes, under AGPLv3 and MIT


<please enter N/A where appropriate>

Group Benefits
Potential rETH holders N/A
rETH holders Improvements to the docs and website help NOs use the rescue node more seamlessly, minorly protecting the downside to rETH from their inactivity
Potential NOs Solo validators now benefit from a service whose development and maintenance was RP-funded, which may impact their perception of become a RP NO
NOs Better UI for NOs using the Rescue Node
Community Extending the service to Solo Validators demonstrates RP’s alignment with the staking community,
RPL holders N/A


How much USD $ is the applicant requesting be awarded to the recipient?

In total, $9,600

Time estimates below are best-effort. Actual development took place in spurts over several weeks . A person-day should be considered 8 person-hours.

@Patches - $4,000
Added support to rescue-api, rescue-proxy for solo validators. Designed/wrote the tech spec. Added the /docs path (About - Rocket Rescue Node Docs) to the site and wrote/populated it. In all, estimated to have been about 5 person-days of work.
@dmccartney - $4,000
Rebuilt the website ( from scratch. Added and tested the solo validator tab. In all, estimated to have been about 5 person-days of work.
@hanniabu - $800
Researched feasibility of adding solo support to the original website.
@poupas - $800
Aided with design and development.

Is the applicant requesting RPL or LUSD?

A single RPL payment to the RN multisig is acceptable, to be distributed by the maintainers, unless the recipients want direct payments and/or a different denomination.

Conflict of Interest

Does the person or persons requesting the retrospective award have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if you have nominated a member of the GMC for this retrospective award).

No. The multisig received a prior retroactive grant for the initial development of the Rescue Node.

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