The GMC has concluded discussions and scoring for the Round 10 (Feb 12 - Mar 10) Grants/Bounties/RA Award Round. For those who did not receive an award, please note that applicants are welcome to re-apply.
This post also begins the fourteen-day clock during which, according to RPIP-15, “[a]nyone MAY file an RPIP disputing a grant, bounty, or retrospective award within two weeks of the announcement of recipients. Such an RPIP SHALL be subject to a snapshot vote.” Any awards not subject to such a challenge will become official on Apr 12, 2024 at 23:59 UTC.
Development: dondo, rocknet, Destroyaaa
(jcrtp is on paternity leave)
Research: Ken, Looking For Owls, epineph
Marketing: Waq, rplmaxi,eth, Dr Doofus
Awarded Amounts
Awards were denominated in USD for the purposes of committee discussions and voting on finalized award amounts. Awards were then converted to RPL at the current ratio ($31/RPL) as of shortly before this posting (and then rounded up to the nearest RPL).
Modifications from Last Round
DeFi Subcommittee / Process
The GMC has passed a more efficient way to handle DeFi applications. The GMC has assembled a contact list of jasper, Looking For Owls, Valdorff and Waq, in which they would consult for more intricate DeFi applications. If anyone has interest in joining the list, please contact a GMC member of the administrator.
RPIP-40 Approved
GMC had an update successfully approved by the PDAO to the GMC RPIP that will modify the conflicts of interest, and award schedule sections. These adjustments should allow the GMC to have a full staff for every round, and a more consistent window of time to review and discuss applications.
GMC Report Published
The GMC published a report that details it’s first year of progress and goals for the year ahead. You can view that here. The GMC plans to publish updated reports moving forward.
GMC Administrator Compensation Adjusted
The committee internally voted to increase the monthly compensation of the GMC administrator to $5,000 from $3,750.
Upcoming Modifications / In Development
Bounty Incentives / Levers
If RPIP-39 successfully passes, the GMC will likely implement the original bounty lever blueprint developed by GovAlpha and adapt it over time.
PDAO / Branding Identity
The GMC is in the early talks for creating a stronger branding identity for the DAO, in order to limit future confusion of the DAO’s activities and responsibilities versus the team’s.
To explore additional initiatives that the GMC is pursuing beyond the awards process, you can find them listed in the to-do channel on the GMC server.
Application Breakdown
Total New Applications: 13
Total Grant Applications: 3
Total Bounty Applications: 0
Total Retro Applications: 10
Total Applications Transferred From Last Round: 4
Total Applications: 17
Total Amount Grants Requested: $57,400
Total Amount Bounties Requested: 0
Total Amount Retros Requested: $149,699
Total Amount Grants / Bounties / Retros Requested: $207,099
Total Amount Incoming Funds This Period: $126,378
Total Amount Reserves: $1,900,000
Awards, Average Overall Scores
Number | Committee | Proposer | Title | Decision | Amount (RPL - RPL at $31/RPL) | Amount (USD) | Average score |
BA0902403 | All | epineph | Slashing Mitigator | Approve (100%) | 48.39 | $1,500.00 | 3.44 |
GA102403 | All | ShfRyn | POAP Raffles | Approve (100%) | 67.74 | $2,100.00 | 4 |
RA102404 | All | halololooo | Support Work | Approve (100%) | 580.65 | $18,000.00 | 4.88 |
RA102408 | All | deetoo, lilac, poupas | Support Work - 2 | Approve (100%) | 2,220.97 | $68,850.00 | 4.86 |
RA102402 | Dev | Patches | Patches Miscellany | Approve (100%) | 18.06 | $560.00 | 5 |
RA102403 | Dev | Patches | Rocket Rescue Node | Approve (100%) | 309.68 | $9,600.00 | 4.33 |
RA102406 | Research | GovAlpha | Bounty Revamp | Approve (44%) | 645.16 | $20,000.00 | 3.67 |
RA102407 | Research | ramana | blockies | Approve (100%) | 25.81 | $800.00 | 3.33 |
GA102402 | Marketing | sleety | Graphic Design | Approve (133%) | 12.90 | $400.00 | 5 |
RA102401 | Marketing | Leighm.eth | Educational YT Videos | Approve (100%) | 67.74 | $2,100.00 | 5 |
RA102410 | Marketing | regexbuster | DeFi | Approve (100%) | 3.23 | $100.00 | 4.67 |
RA102409 | Marketing | LIBC | ETH Denver Housing | Approve (100%) | 57.71 | $1,789.00 | 3.33 |
RA102405 | All | halololooo | Rocket Scrape | Approve (100%) | 96.77 | $3,000.00 | 3.8 |
BA0902401 | All | SSV | SSV Integration | Defer w/ Future Consideration | 3.5 | ||
GA0802401 | All | hashquark | Asian Market Staking User Education | Decline | 2.13 | ||
GA0902401 | All | halborn | Infrastructure Security Assessment | Decline | 2.5 | ||
GA102401 | Marketing | arash | RP Google Adwords | Decline | 3 |
Detailed Award Results
Name: Slashing Mitigator
Proposer: epineph
Type: Bounty
Subcommittee: All
Link to Application: Round 9 - GMC Call for Bounty Applications - Deadline is February 11 - #4 by epineph
Decision: Approve
Requested Funding: $1,500
Awarded Funding: $1,500
Score: 3.44
Comments: Although there is some uncertainty that this will actually have an effect, the GMC has approved the award given the low price for something that can make a positive impact.
Payment Structure: Milestone 1: $1,000 | Milestone 2: $500
Name: POAP Raffles
Proposer: ShfRyn
Type: Grant
Subcommittee: All
Link to Application: Round 10 - GMC Call For Grant Applications - Deadline is March 10 - #6 by ShfRyn
Decision: Approve
Requested Funding: $2,100
Awarded Funding: $2,100
Score: 4
Comments: The GMC enthusiastically approves this proposal, deeming it a positive community-building event, endorsing its harmless gamification and potential for fostering positive interaction and engagement on our Discord platform. It is viewed as net neutral, with funds directed towards the DAO. The inclusion of raffles is seen as beneficial for sustaining interest and involvement within the community, aligning well with the goal of fostering camaraderie and participation.
Payment Structure: Funds to be held in a dedicated escrow account.
Name: Support Work
Proposer: halololooo
Type: Retro
Subcommittee: All
Link to Application: Round 10 - GMC Call For Retrospective Applications - Deadline is March 10 - #5 by haloooloolo
Decision: Approve
Requested Funding: $18,000
Awarded Funding: $18,000
Score: 4.88
Comments: The GMC supports the proposal, considering the price reasonable and acknowledging the applicant’s hard work. While cautioning against reliance solely on derived numbers without evidence of resistance to gaming, there’s recognition of the need for a standardized reward basis.
Name: Support Work - 2
Proposer: deetoo, lilac, poupas (via halololooo)
Type: Retro
Subcommittee: All
Link to Application: Round 10 - GMC Call For Retrospective Applications - Deadline is March 10 - #9 by Patches
Decision: Approve
Requested Funding: $68,850
Awarded Funding: $68,850
Score: 4.86
Comments: Members express agreement with the proposal, emphasizing the importance of compensating critical contributors. Despite the need for thoughtful support compensation, there’s a unanimous sentiment to fund these individuals for their outstanding work.
Payment Structure: deetoo: $29,430.00 | poupas: $24,750.00 | lilac: $14,670.00
Name: Patches Miscellany
Proposer: Patches
Type: Retro
Subcommittee: Dev
Link to Application: Round 10 - GMC Call For Retrospective Applications - Deadline is March 10 - #3 by Patches
Decision: Approve
Requested Funding: $560
Awarded Funding: $560
Score: 5
Comments: The development work is seen as crucial despite its modest cost. Overall, there was agreement on the significance of the work and its fair pricing.
Name: Rocket Rescue Node
Proposer: Patches
Type: Retro
Subcommittee: Dev
Link to Application: Round 10 - GMC Call For Retrospective Applications - Deadline is March 10 - #4 by Patches
Decision: Approve
Requested Funding: $9,600
Awarded Funding: $9,600
Score: 4.33
Comments: The rescue node has proven invaluable for pruning and addressing client bugs, enhancing Rocket Pool’s reputation. Additionally, there’s a suggestion to convey to the rescue node team the desire for stabilization. New developments should be submitted for grant consideration by the GMC and potentially other DAOs or platforms like Gitcoin.
Name: Bounty Revamp
Proposer: GovAlpha
Type: Retro
Subcommittee: Research
Link to Application: Round 10 - GMC Call For Retrospective Applications - Deadline is March 10 - #7 by LongForWisdom
Decision: Approve
Requested Funding: $45,000
Awarded Funding: $20,000
Score: 3.67
Comments: The proposal for the Bounty Revamp is generally supported with a budget of $20k. There are reservations about the cost, with the committee the original amount is higher than preferred. Concerns are raised about the potential impact on traffic and community desire for the revamp, although the end product is acknowledged as accessible and potentially beneficial. Suggestions include developing an annual budget to ensure efficient resource allocation for administrative costs and utilizing GMC reports for future budgeting. There’s a suggestion to consider retroactive funding if the revamp proves successful in increasing activity. Overall, the proposal is viewed positively but with some reservations regarding cost and potential impact.
Name: blockies
Proposer: ramana
Type: Retro
Subcommittee: Research
Link to Application: Round 10 - GMC Call For Retrospective Applications - Deadline is March 10 - #8 by ShfRyn
Decision: Approve
Requested Funding: $800
Awarded Funding: $800
Score: 3.33
Comments: The “Blockies” application is generally viewed positively as a means to reduce administrative time and enhance security. However, concerns are raised about the discrepancy between the initial estimated cost and the actual cost incurred, suggesting possible mission creep. Overall, the request is seen as useful for the GMC’s purposes, with a fair price for the work done.
Name: Sleety Graphic Design
Proposer: Sleety (via ShfRyn)
Type: Grant
Subcommittee: Marketing
Link to Application: Round 10 - GMC Call For Grant Applications - Deadline is March 10 - #5 by ShfRyn
Decision: Approve
Requested Funding: $300
Awarded Funding: $400
Score: 5
Comments: The “Sleety Graphic Design” application receives strong support based on Sleety’s reputation and the quality of his work, which is widely praised. The GMC has decided to fund him at 133% due to his exceptional responsiveness.
Name: Educational YT Videos
Proposer: Leighm.eth
Type: Retro
Subcommittee: Marketing
Link to Application: Round 10 - GMC Call For Retrospective Applications - Deadline is March 10 - #2 by leighm.eth
Decision: Approve
Requested Funding: $2,100
Awarded Funding: $2,100
Score: 5
Comments: The “Educational YouTube Videos” has been approved for providing valuable and informative content about Rocket Pool. Members express appreciation for Leighm.eth contributing such content, noting its importance in supporting and encouraging new node operators (NOs), especially those less technically inclined. Overall, there was a consensus to fund the proposal as it aligns with the need for educational resources to support the RP community.
Name: RPL DeFi
Proposer: regexbuster
Type: Retro
Subcommittee: Marketing
Link to Application: Round 10 - GMC Call For Retrospective Applications - Deadline is March 10 - #13 by regexbuster
Decision: Approve
Requested Funding: $100
Awarded Funding: $100
Score: 4.67
Comments: The GMC has approved this application. The GMC would like regexbuster to consolidate the requests into a six-month grant or retrospective in order to streamline the process.
Name: ETH Denver Housing
Proposer: LIBC
Type: Retro
Subcommittee: Marketing
Link to Application: Round 10 - GMC Call For Retrospective Applications - Deadline is March 10 - #11 by LIBlockchain
Decision: Approve
Requested Funding: $1,789
Awarded Funding: $1,789
Score: 3.33
Comments: There’s cautious support for funding the expense, recognizing its relatively small amount and the importance of fostering community involvement in events. While some express reservations about the situation and suggest alternative solutions, there’s a consensus to fund it to support community representation and acknowledge the effort. There’s appreciation for the significant impact the accommodation had on the conference experience and a collective agreement to reimburse the organizer to ensure they’re not left out of pocket. However, it’s emphasized that this should be viewed as an exception, with clear communication that similar situations won’t be funded in the future. The GMC would like future organized events to have a clear plan in place to limit or remove “no-show” expenses.
Name: Rocket Scrape
Proposer: halololooo
Type: Retro
Subcommittee: All
Link to Application: Round 10 - GMC Call For Retrospective Applications - Deadline is March 10 - #6 by haloooloolo
Decision: Approve
Requested Funding: $3,000
Awarded Funding: $3,000
Score: 3.8
Comments: The GMC has approved this application. While acknowledging its usefulness as a metrics tool in Discord, concerns are raised about its susceptibility to gaming once used for real purposes. Despite some skepticism, there’s recognition of its potential utility and willingness to support, contingent on the applicant providing regular queries. Overall, while the tool’s usefulness is debated, there’s a consensus that it has potential and is worth considering for funding.
Name: SSV Integration
Proposer: SSV
Type: Bounty
Subcommittee: All
Link to Application: Round 9 - GMC Call for Bounty Applications - Deadline is February 11 - #2 by BenAffleck
Decision: Defer with Future Consideration
Requested Funding: $20,000 - $30,000
Score: 3.5
Comments: The GMC has decided to defer this decision to round 11, pending further discussion. Concerns are raised about the extensive communication required and the need for active participation from both teams in the integration process.
While there’s acknowledgment of the potential value for node operators, there’s also recognition that this project’s scope could expand beyond initial expectations.
Additionally, there’s a call for laying out the risks before committing to make this integration a core part of node operator options.
Overall, while the idea is supported in principle, the decision is deferred to allow for more comprehensive discussion and assessment of the project’s feasibility and scope.
The GMC would like to signal strong support in the following:
- A grant from an experienced party, that proposes the specifics of the integration
- A bounty solely focuses on a feasibility study
Name: Asian Market Staking User Education
Proposer: hashquark
Type: Grant
Subcommittee: All
Link to Application: Round 8 - GMC Call for Grant Applications - Deadline is January 14 - #2 by HashQuark
Decision: Decline
Requested Funding: $30,000
Score: 2.13
Comments: The GMC has declined this proposal. They suggest redirecting efforts towards providing Node Operator exposure and collaborating with Ethereum infrastructure providers in Asia. The scope is too broad with insufficient evidence of past successes and lacks clear success metrics. The GMC would like to prioritize their own efforts towards digital advertising and marketing, and reevaluate the proposal’s impact afterward. The GMC would reconsider after more progress on the general marketing front and substantial revisions to the current proposal.
Name: Infrastructure Security Assessment
Proposer: halborn
Type: Grant
Subcommittee: All
Link to Application: Round 9 - GMC Call for Grant Applications - Deadline is February 11 - #2 by glory.eth
Decision: Decline
Score: 2.5
Comments: The GMC has declined this proposal. It doesn’t seem suitable for the pDAO or the GMC. The team appears to be actively investigating this domain and identifying areas for improvement.
Name: RP Google Adwords
Proposer: arash
Type: Grant
Subcommittee: Marketing
Link to Application: Round 10 - GMC Call For Grant Applications - Deadline is March 10 - #2 by arash
Decision: Decline
Requested Funding: $67,500
Comments: The Google AdWords application is denied based on the current state of the protocol. There’s a preference for more targeted advertising efforts to gauge their effectiveness before considering broader campaigns. The consensus is that efforts should focus on specific areas where there is potential for attracting new node operators rather than pursuing wide and vague plans. Overall, while advertising is acknowledged as important, the proposed scope of the Google AdWords campaign is deemed inappropriate for the protocol’s current stage.
Member Participation
All committee members participated in the voting and discussions.
Members were asked to deliberate on far more proposals due to the amount of deferrals from last round, and the potential for setting a precedent for support work moving forward.
Final Voting Stages
Rocket Scrape moved to a ranked choice vote, where (Award at 100%) won out over (Award at 66%) during the second round.