Round 19 - GMC Community Discussion of Submitted Applications

In order to keep the application threads clear of discussions (to make it easier for committee members to read and score them), please use this thread for any and all questions and discussions of round 19 period of grant, bounty, and retrospective award applications.


Rocket Pool Validator Monitoring Integration with EthSeer

I looked at EthSeer and itā€™s very basic. Basically a simple UI for the beacon chain data. Miles behind functionality. The interface is like the Comics Sans of fonts. Iā€™m very skeptical of their promised ā€œcomprehensive performance metricsā€.

Iā€™m guessing they will simply group validators by node operator and thatā€™s it (they already do it for entities like Coinbase). We could fund an MVP for $1-2k and see if we like it first. Otherwise donā€™t fund it unless we do it as a donation/marketing expense.

Rocketpool AI Assistant



RocketArb for closes

Like it. Fund it. Double it or few will take it on.

Rocket Pool Support Payments Dec 2024-May 2025

Didnā€™t go into details but seems fine. I supported previous applications like this.

STAR Initiative (rETH Incubator)

I like the idea of making this a bit structured and you can only get rewards if you go through the process (to prevent multiple people spamming and embarrassing us).

Overseer getting paid $1000/m to update the sheet a few times per month seems a bit excessive. But if they are an active project manager then it seems fine. If they are excellent then this should be much higher.

Iā€™d bump the rewards. I wouldnā€™t even bother for $10.

Identify organization + contact - $100
DAO post - $500
Official vote - $2000
Vote passes - n/a (you get the reward from mint)
rETH gets minted - 0.5% of rETH mint

Iā€™d cap the max reward to 100 ETH.

Lottery for rETH holders

$1000 seems cheap to test if this works. Fund it.


Hey @peteris, Iā€™d love to hear further reasons for the ā€˜Noā€™ comment for ā€˜Rocketpool AI Assistantā€™ if possible.



Rocket Pool Validator Integration for ethseer
$8k LUSD
No, not today. Seems validator performance focused and not rETH or Node Operator investor focused. Entity Profile: rocketpool - Ethereum Staking | is closet to rETH view, but lacks time horizon and risk views for comparing rETH to other alternatie. Real time view has its use, but investor groups (DAOs, etc) tend to have longer time horizon needs. No data provided on current site engagement to understand current retail audience and how RP fits within strategy to grow that segment. Proposal does not detail out how they will address rETH view, so I assume approach to rETH group remains as it exists today.

Node operator view is also lacking. What information will potential node operators see that will help with their decision? Not defined. Existing node operators have other means to see their performance, how does this benefit them compared to what is already available?
It may be marginal beneficial, but I donā€™t see that currently. Instead I see a bit of vague handwaving.

This seems more geared towards funding a public good or experimental public good in a space with similar goods rather than a component that is a Rocket Pool focused good. Given budget constraints and other timely needs would not fund at this time. If the proposer where to address specific rETH and Node Operator viewpoints in the future it may be worthwhile to revisit.

Rocketpool AI Assistant (written as Rocketpool by proposer)
$12k (50% RPL, 50% LUSD)

Bounty Hurray, a good period for bounties.

RocketArb for closes
$10k bounty ($9k base, $1k bonus)
Yes, funding for Rocket Pool focused public good that benefits the protocol with a stronger peg.

Rocket Pool Support Payments Dec 2024-May 2025
$35k for 6 months trusted support
Yes. Upfront half a year with payments split between support people after each 3 month period. The quarterly review by GMC seems a necessary for maintaining quality across time.

STAR Initiative (rETH Incubator)
$209k if $40m rETH minted (0.5% per rETH USD, ~$27 per ~$4.3k)
Yes, love it. Of particular note is the care given in design to mitigate spamming other DAOs. That said, not certain about tier payouts and it would be good for GMC to mull that.

Marketing content costs feel rather low. Iā€™d expect iterative change based on engagement and feedback instead of a one off. Tailored packages would also require more work and skill.

$8k for overseerā€¦ Iā€™d prefer an engaged active manager rather than an administrator as overseer. $8k, though probably more, for an active manager that has bonuses based on overall project performance would be a good starting point.

Missed opportunity to call it STARship, STAR Atlas, etc.?

(Checkpoint) Lottery for rETH holders
$1k for a tool to make it easy for pDAO to sponsor and execute lotteries
Yes, for only $1k seems like an interesting tool to have in the tool box.
May be helpful to ease RP supply and demand cliffs, and may be useful for Rocket Pool retail awareness campaigns. I worry about flighty capital that this tool may encourage, but still an interesting potential tool. Use of the tool would of course require funding the lottery and awareness campaigns.



:green_circle: RocketArb for closes

I wrote it so I unshockingly support it. People complain about this being missing slash ask for it to exist in discord. Thatā€™s pretty rare.

:green_circle: Rocket Pool Support Payments Dec 2024-May 2025

Huge differentiator for RP - yes.

:green_circle: :white_circle: STAR Initiative (rETH Incubator)

Support. I do have some tweaks Iā€™d suggest:

  • :star: Support minting and buying equally. Doesnā€™t really matter what the rETH demand looks like, and as good partners we shouldnā€™t be pushing folks to mint if thereā€™s a discount, eg.
  • Define tier 5 piecewise. Eg: 0.5% payout up to 2E (the first $1.6M), then 0.1% payout from there. I think thereā€™s value in both amount of demand and also in amount of treasuries that have rETH. If we can make diversifying into rETH (and/or going hard on rETH to make an ethos point) standard operating procedureā€¦ thatā€™s super valuable. Ie, Iā€™d be willing to pay more incentives for 40 $1M investments than for 1 $40M investment.
  • Pay out tier 5 with a stream (0xsplit, llamapay, etc). If the rETH is sold/burned, GMC can stop the stream.

:red_circle: Lottery for rETH holders

I donā€™t see any reason to believe this would generate significant demand. Pooltogether has a WETH pool making 8.3% that has attracted under 300 ETH. To put that in perspective, we have a rETH yield around 2.9%, so getting that to 8.3% would require ~2100 ETH per period (rETH_TVL_in_ETH*(apy/13) = 507630.63*((0.083-.029)/13)), which is over 100x the GMC budget per period. Maybe we do a bit better cuz itā€™s ETH instead of the POOL token, but it feels like weā€™re orders of magnitude away.

Pushing back on @peteris ā€“ itā€™s $1k to develop the infra, but the main cost is funding the lottery itself.

(update 12/26: my numbers above are to get all of rETH to 8.3% which isnā€™t fair. Itā€™s probably more fair to say something like ā€œhaving this pool attract 1% of rETH TVL would cost 21 ETH per period, which is approximately 110% of the full GMC budgetā€ or maybe ā€œthis demand multiplier might be around 15x, which is worse than we see in LPs as describe in Discordā€)




:red_circle: Rocket Pool Validator Monitoring Integration with

Itā€™s unclear to me whatā€™s being offered here. Is it just adding the RP label to their existing stuff? If so, it seems like lite. See vs It sounds like maybe the intent is to allow grouping into validator or RP node, so maybe thatā€™s moderately interesting? $8k isnā€™t a lot, but Iā€™m currently not clear on a unique feature being added or a feature being refined to be better than otherwise available.

:red_circle: Rocketpool AI Assistant

Iā€™m very against AI for things where (a) errors matter a lot and (b) the consumer is not expert enough to check if the answer is good or not. Likeā€¦ what if the AI tells someone that the way to burn rETH is by transferring to the rETH contract or something? Big nope.

Also telegram isnā€™t used by the community.


Hello, we would like to thank the reviewers for their time reviewing our application and the feedback.

It seems we didnot do a great work at explaining our vision with this proposal, so we would like to ask a couple of questions to see if we can improve our proposal for a future round.

It is funny you say that, quite recently we found errors in and we explained to them what they did wrong and how to fix it. For further details please see here

We do have a category ā€œRocket Poolā€ in our list of entities. The intention is to go deeper and be able to see the list of Rocket pool operators grouped by validators and see the performance of each operator, in comparison with the average of all Rocket pool operators as well as the overall average performance of all validators. Is this explanation clearer? Is there anything else that could interest Rocket Pool?

That is correct. In our proposal we have only discussed validator performance, in terms of attestation flags rate, block misses etc. This is our first proposal to Rocket Pool and we wanted to start by something rather small to create a trust relationship before asking for larger grants more focused on Rocket Pool intricacies. Our plan was to continue this work with a second proposal, which would focus on rETH

That is a good point. We are extending the time frame for which we provide detailed performance views. In the near future we will be able to see 1 month detailed performance and in the medium term we plan to be able to see 1 quarter detailed performance.

Our long term plan is to provide much more detailed metrics than what exist today in any of the other tools out there. However, this is not the only benefit. We think decentralization is very important in all aspects, so relying in only one central dashboard is not very reliable (see the errors found on and etherscan mentioned above). To put it in the words of Vitalik:

ā€œDashboard organizationsā€ like L2beat, block explorers, and other ecosystem monitors are an excellent example of such a principle working in the Ethereum ecosystem today. If we do more to make different aspects of alignment legible, while not centralizing in one single ā€œwatcherā€, we can make the concept much more effective, and fair and inclusive in the way that the Ethereum ecosystem strives to be.

Fair point. Again, we wanted to start by something relatively small before going into something more RP oriented. What would you like to see in this proposal that would make it more RP focused?

Yes, the idea is to have one page in Ethseer, where we can see the entire list of RP operators, their stats, their performance, and be able to click on any of them to see further details, all the way down to the performance of one single validator. At this time we proposed just a small grant, to start the relationship with rocket pool, and then slowly transition to more complex, RP focused projects.

Again, thanks all reviewers for their feedback.
Looking forward to work together.