Round 20 - GMC Community Discussion of Submitted Applications

In order to keep the application threads clear of discussions (to make it easier for committee members to read and score them), please use this thread for any and all questions and discussions of round 20 period of grant, bounty, and retrospective award applications.


LocalRocket Program

Doesn’t use the template. Can’t spell Rocket Pool properly.

$44k for 4 months to send 3 weekly tweets, write some mediocre articles and short videos. I’m very very skeptical.

Who are they? What’s their track record?

Very sus. I say no.

Ken community call hosting renewal

Approve it. Community calls are good to have and Ken is a good host.

Rocket Rescue Node renewal

Fund it. This is relatively very cheap and he’s going out of his way to make sure that the funds are spent properly.

Rocket Fuel renewal

Fund it.


Just Exit My Validators

Fund it, seems useful.

But what about closing minipools and withdrawing funds?

Does the API allow CORS?

RPL Fee Switch Preview Calculator

Fund it. Seems useful. Will also work as a marketing tool.

It costs the same as Just Exit My Validators. Either the cost of the validators tool should be higher or this one lower.


Clear Queue gas reimbursement

Pay him.

MC Gas Reimbursement

Pay them.

Ken community call hosting retro

Pay him.


:green_circle: Clear Queue gas reimbursement

Performed a service for the protocol. Helped us at the time and builds community to boot.

:green_circle: MC Gas Reimbursement

Yes we should reimburse. No strong feelings about paying per ETH or per dollar-value as proposed. I am also considering whether there’s appetite for a grant for execution gas on an isolated wallet. It’s mildly annoying that I’ll pay taxes on the income using the reimbursement route.

:green_circle: :white_circle: Retroactive Grant for Additional Rocket Pool Community Calls (H2 2024)

I don’t attend so can’t vouch for value here. That said, this is in line with previous spend, and I think value hasn’t changed?


:red_circle: LocalRocket Program

Mainly, there’s a lot of words but little backing. They claim a team with 12 years of experience and provide no relevant examples.

Minor: we don’t telegram, really. Is that a proposed strategy for increased reach? Is that just what they’re comfortable with? A path to tying in to main community?

:green_circle: :white_circle: Renewal for RP Community Call Hosting - Host Ken Smith

Same comment as in retros.

:green_circle: Rocket Rescue Node 2025 H1 Renewal

Good work, carry on.

:white_circle: Rocket Fuel - Waq

As ever, the link between the work and outcomes isn’t terribly clear to me (both cuz it’s hard and because this isn’t a way I consume info). $80k/yr is a lot of money (for an in-protocol reference, that’s a bit under the yearly spend on Base liquidity incentives). This is partly because it’s a daily show, which is a massive amount of content; maybe there’s a relevant discussion about the cost-benefit vs a different cadence.


:yellow_circle: Just Exit My Validators

I think I support this at the price? But I do want to note that this becomes ~irrelevant with Saturn 2. Saturn 2 will have the ability for the withdrawal address to request execution-layer exits for validators. While this does cost gas, this is also dramatically lower trust, and I would expect that it would be the fallback exit method of choice. Saturn 2 is a ways out.

:red_circle: RPL Fee Switch Preview Calculator

Various things exist:

They have slightly different foci (eg, RPL price might be an input or an output), but all essentially let you put in some variables and model how they interact for the incoming tokenomics. I don’t believe there’s a “true” clean answer that’s easy to digest, so I don’t mind this being messy – something clean and fast might be primarily misleading about certainty.

Regarding Val’s assessment of the RPL Fee Switch Calculator:

  • Firstly, thank you for compiling the list of links! This is already a huge improvement over status-quo. Except that it’s buried in a forum message that will be hard to find again…
  • Have you tried actually using any of the linked things? They’re unusable by ordinary people. I’ll go through my attempts one by one.
  • Sckuzzle: the sheet is view-only and cannot be edited. No way to see how different assumptions change the output. It’s also not clear which are input and output variables in any case.
  • Val: Same problem as above, cannot be edited. Furthermore, there is just an overwhelming number of cells and numbers without much in the way of how to navigate or understand what they mean.
  • Langers: This one at least looks simple, although it has the same problem of being view-only. But although it is simple in the sense of not having too many moving parts, the meaning of the numbers is pretty obscure. I don’t know what to make of it.
  • Samus: This is the closest to being actually usable in that it has somewhat clear instructions about which numbers to modify and what to expect as the output (as something understandable like an APY or monthly yield). It still suffers from being view-only (so actually unsuable), and having too many extraneous and confusing cells.

Perhaps there’s some misunderstanding of what the point of the bounty was. If the above tools are considered to “already solve it” then a misunderstanding is almost certain. What the bounty asks for is a user-friendly, easy-to-understand-and-use, tool for someone who doesn’t already understand Saturn (or even much about Rocket Pool) to learn what Saturn means and see interactively why/if Saturn incentivises them to stake RPL.

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Isn’t the view only problem fixed by making a local copy of the sheet?


That makes sense. Thanks!

But if it’s a user-friendly tool it would have this in the instructions explicitly, like “to use this, first make a copy of the sheet, then fill in these numbers … and observe the effect on these numbers…” + some more text explaining how to understand what the calculation is and what it’s based on.

My belief: This isn’t possible. If you don’t clearly understand the model personally, turning knobs at random is just noise. If you don’t have time to look at the tool, the formulas behind the tool, and think about “why” they make sense, I think using a tool is likely to cause more damage than it creates understanding. I think you’re literally better off with “Greg thinks we could get to X price if things go well” than driving a modeling tool you don’t understand.

Waq is right – view-only making copies is the “standard” for google sheets cuz otherwise you have lots of people that can break it. It’s possible to make an app based on a google sheet ofc, but I think that’s (a) more work and (b) less flexible for something that I view as needing understanding to use.