Round 5 - GMC Call for Grant Applications - Deadline is October 7

This thread is for applications for Rocket Pool’s September 10, 2023 - October 7, 2023 grants. Please only post grant applications in this thread. If you would like to discuss and/or ask questions about any applications you see in this thread, we ask that you do so in this separate forum thread (link) which has been established for all community discussions related to this round of applications. Only those grant applications that are posted in this thread and timestamped by October 7, 2023 at 23:59 (11:59 PM) UTC will be considered. Any grants posted after that deadline will be carried over to the next grant period.

This is the second application period that will use the new revised process outlined in RPIP-26. This is the expected schedule:

  • Application Period (September 10th - October 7th)
  • Application Discussion Meetings - one for each subcommittee (October 9th - October 13th)
  • Negotiation Period (October 14th - October 22nd)
  • Scoring Deadline (October 26th)
  • Award Announcement (October 27th)

Please note the following differences between grants and bounties. Grants are intended to be applied for by those who are wishing to carry out the work themselves. Bounties are open-ended goals that could be met by anyone, including those other than the proposing party. In other words, if I believed that Rocket Pool needed a fifty-foot paper mache orange rocket for publicity purposes and I wanted to be the one to built it, I would apply for a grant. If I instead thought Rocket Pool needed a fifty-foot paper mache orange rocket for publicity purposes but I wanted it to be open to whoever built it first to claim the reward (similar to a prize), then I’d apply for a bounty.

To guide you in your application, the GMC has established the following goals and the following scoring rubric:

GMC Goals

Grants, bounties, and retrospective awards should make it easier and/or more attractive to do one or more of the following:

become a node operator

operate a node, mint rETH

hold or use rETH

improve the quality of life for the protocol and its community.

Grants Rubric

The Grants rubric involves scoring each of the three categories from 1 to 5:

If the application is successful, to what extent does it further the GMC goals?

To what extent can the application be feasibly carried out by the person(s) proposed to complete it?

If the application is successful, how large is the benefit to the protocol relative to the size of the proposed costs

The maximum score is 15 and the minimum is 3.

Grants Application

Please copy paste the template below into a reply. Answer the questions there, feel free to remove or add sections based on relevance.

## Name of Project

### What is the work being proposed?

### Is there any related work this builds off of?

### Will the results of this project be entirely open source ([MIT](, [GPL](, [Apache](, [CC BY]( license or similar)? If not, which parts will not be, why, and under what license will they be published?

## Benefits - enter N/A where appropriate

### How does this help people looking to stake ETH for rETH?

### How does this help rETH holders?

### How does this help people looking to run a Rocket Pool node for the first time?

### How does this help people already running a Rocket Pool node?

### How does this help the Rocket Pool community?

### How does this help RPL holders?

### What other non-RPL protocols, DAOs, projects, or individuals, would stand to benefit from this grant?

### Will the resulting project be open source?

## Team

### Who is doing the work?

### What is the background of the person(s) doing the work? What experience do they have with such projects in the past?

### What is the breakdown of the proposed work, in terms of milestones and/or deadlines?

### How is the work being tested? Is testing included in the schedule?

### How will the work be maintained after delivery?

## Payment and Verification

### What is the acceptance criteria?

### What is the proposed payment schedule for the grant? How much USD $ and over what period of time is the applicant requesting?

### How will the GMC verify that the work delivered matches the proposed cadence?

### What alternatives or options have been considered in order to save costs for the proposed project?

## Conflict of Interest

### Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the grant).

### Will the recipient of the grant, or any protocol or project in which the recipient has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the grant is successful?```

Name of Project

What is the work being proposed?

We have built, docIT a private Discord bot (allowing users to “talk to your docs”) that supports multiple document sites, with evolving LLMs. This bot will interconnect Rocket Pool’s key Github repositories, documentation, related articles, and forum posts

Is there any related work this builds off of?

This leverages current DOCit implementation, a back-end service purpose built to serve multiple chat systems.

Will the results of this project be entirely open source?

yes, GPL

Benefits - enter N/A where appropriate

This solution will enhance Developer Relations, Customer Support, and Community Support experiences within Rocket Pool’s ecosystem, starting point being Discord.

How does this help people looking to stake ETH for rETH?

real-time documentation reference in chat, judgement free dialogue.

How does this help rETH holders?

real-time documentation reference in chat, judgement free dialogue.

How does this help people looking to run a Rocket Pool node for the first time?

real-time documentation reference in chat, judgement free dialogue.

How does this help people already running a Rocket Pool node?

real-time documentation reference in chat, judgement free dialogue :smile:.

How does this help the Rocket Pool community?

Common or esoteric questions both have high likelyhood of being answered with referenceable documentation to support all claims. This helps reduce load on RP maintainers and support team.

How does this help RPL holders?

This assumes the bot helps lower barrier of entry, which should bring more stability and usage the chain, helping raise value.

What other non-RPL protocols, DAOs, projects, or individuals, would stand to benefit from this grant?

DOCit is designed to help multiple chains. This funding will help keep development moving forward to keep DOCit available for more chains in the future.

Will the resulting project be open source?



Who is doing the work?

Nigel Alford.

What is the background of the person(s) doing the work? What experience do they have with such projects in the past?

Nigel Alford is a technologist and entrepreneur focused on decentralized solutions. In his previous venture, Nigel created a Cartesi NFT marketplace for Book authors. Nigel has been involved with various technical projects from blockchains to digital maps. He is dedicated to reducing technical friction to start development and moving faster into projects.

Github: mrnigelalford (Nigel Alford) · GitHub


What is the breakdown of the proposed work, in terms of milestones and/or deadlines?

Project Plan (4 week delivery)

Pre-Implementation: Collaborate with the DevRel, Customer Support, and Community Support teams to comprehend their needs, identify pain points, and decide where the bot can be most beneficial. These insights will direct the selection of data sources for implementation.

Milestone 1 - Implementation of Data Sources [2 weeks]: Post the discovery phase, we will incorporate 3-4 high-value data sources into the bot. We will crawl data and create OpenAI emeddings in our db to index and setup search on queries. This milestone will involve refining file loading, index creation, and data source integration.

End state: Have 3-4 data sources that can be queried.

Expected bugs: hallucinations, mismatches on query/documents.

Milestone 2 - Testing and Optimization + Deploy to Production [2 weeks]: This critical phase will concentrate on eliminating hallucinations and refining prompt engineering to ensure only pertinent answers are given, with source material and links for users to follow up on. The aim is to make the bot production-ready.

End state: A production-ready bot approved by the Customer / Community Support teams, ready for deployment on the Rocket Pool’s Discord and Telegram.

How is the work being tested? Is testing included in the schedule?

answered above. Yes, testing will happen at every milestone with expected outcomes.

How will the work be maintained after delivery?

Back-end code will be maintained and upgraded as we roll-out LLM updates.

Payment and Verification

What is the acceptance criteria?

What is the proposed payment schedule for the grant? How much USD $ and over what period of time is the applicant requesting?

Total Ask: $8000 usd

Milestone 1: $4000 usd

Milestone 2: $4000 usd

How will the GMC verify that the work delivered matches the proposed cadence?

End states listed above serve as verification proofs for testing.

What alternatives or options have been considered in order to save costs for the proposed project?

This proposal is the lowest cost, we could pair down the OpenAI usage but that could affect language output.

Conflict of Interest

Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the grant).


Will the recipient of the grant, or any protocol or project in which the recipient has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the grant is successful?```


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NOTE: removed links from this post to comply with the 2 links allowed for new users. Please read from here for all links to work. In this post, links from the original text are just Italic, meaning they were links in the original text.

What is the work being proposed?

We have started work on a mobile app interface for Smartnode setup and operation. This app has a clear mission: simplifying the complexities of becoming a Rocket Pool node owner, making it approachable for a broad user base with little to no technical background. The app is cross-platform, designed with utmost care, ensuring it is easy to navigate, intuitive, and user-friendly.

The current scope of the project is local hardware nodes. The app guides users through a step-by-step wizard, assisting them in connecting their device to their home network and establishing a remote connection via Libp2p for remote accessibility. It then deploys an opinionated configuration for their Smartnode, requiring minimal user input. After the quick-setup step, users enter a dashboard to monitor their node’s status and customize settings to their liking. While the current scope of the work doesn’t encompass setting up on a laptop or virtual machine, the app is architected in a way that allows for the addition of these capabilities in future development phases. Although our initial focus is on Android, the framework we’ve chosen, MAUI Blazor, allows for expansion to iOS, Windows, and Mac.

The inspiration for initiating this project stemmed from conversations within the #hardware channel on Discord. The idea of a mobile app interface was met with enthusiasm. Community members recognized that such an interface could significantly lower entry barriers, making it easier to introduce Rocket Pool solo staking to a wider audience, especially normies. The project was given the green light in September after a meeting with Joe, Dave and Langers, with @jcrtp confirming that the required APIs can be integrated into the Smartnode code. Development commenced and the project has already amassed over 200 commits. The progress achieved, as shown in the GIF below, was demoed to Dave and @langers, they recommended that we proceed with a grant application.


Is there any related work this builds off of?

This project builds upon the groundwork laid by Functionland, as detailed in the following sections.

Will the results of this project be entirely open source? If not, which parts will not be, why, and under what license will they be published?

  • Yes, everything is MIT licensed.

Benefits - enter N/A where appropriate

How does this help people looking to stake ETH for rETH?

This initiative holds the potential to serve as a bridge for mass adoption, facilitating the process for individuals looking to stake ETH. It opens up the opportunity for a broader audience, including those with little technical knowledge, to participate in the network. This approach also contributes to decentralizing the network further by catering directly to home node operators, reducing reliance on cloud-based infrastructure, and promoting a more distributed ecosystem. It encourages the transition of nodes from the cloud to the edge, strengthening the overall robustness and resilience of the network.

How does this help rETH holders?

In this phase, indirectly, but with the possibility of concrete future plans emerging from the community involving the mobile app.

How does this help people looking to run a Rocket Pool node for the first time?

This project aids first-time Rocket Pool node operators by offering a user-friendly mobile app interface that simplifies node setup. It provides step-by-step guidance for connecting hardware nodes, establishing remote accessibility, and configuring the node with minimal user input. This accessibility and ease of use remove barriers for newcomers, enabling them to participate confidently in the Rocket Pool network.

How does this help people already running a Rocket Pool node?

Not in the scope of this grant, but future phases can add a feature to have this UI for already running nodes.

How does this help the Rocket Pool community?

This initiative primarily benefits the Rocket Pool community by enabling its members to easily onboard their non-technical friends and acquaintances into the world of Rocket Pool solo staking. With the mobile app as the entry point instead of CLI, Rocket Pool will be accessible to a broader audience, thereby expanding the community and increasing the platform’s reach.

How does this help RPL holders?

This project can potentially benefit RPL holders in two significant ways. Firstly, if the project succeeds in its mission and attracts a large user base, it could strengthen the value of RPL through increased demand and usage within the Rocket Pool ecosystem. Secondly, by providing the means to massively decentralize the infrastructure, it aligns with the broader goals of blockchain networks, enhancing the security and resilience of the ecosystem, which can positively impact RPL holders by bolstering the overall health and stability of the network.

What other non-RPL protocols, DAOs, projects, or individuals, would stand to benefit from this grant?

Our team, Functionland, has a broader goal centered around introducing a new product category named “Smart Server.” Functionland has a substantial community with over 1,000 members on Telegram. We demonstrated market fit through a successful crowdfunding campaign that raised over half a million USD, with all devices shipped this year. Given this context, the grant’s benefits extend beyond the Rocket Pool ecosystem to potentially include anyone interested in the Smart Server concept that Functionland is striving to introduce. The project’s success could have ripple effects, positively impacting a wide range of stakeholders interested in this emerging product category.

There is also interest from SSV Network in exploring integration possibilities. The ultimate aim there is leveraging their Distributed Validator Technology in conjunction with the pool mechanism in Rocket Pool. This collaboration could enable users to form pools where their devices serve as backups for each other, assuring no downtime. Additionally, it would open up opportunities for users to stake with significantly smaller amounts of ETH, making participation in staking more inclusive and accessible. This potential partnership could have far-reaching implications for the broader blockchain and staking communities.

Will the resulting project be open source?

  • YES, it already is.


Who is doing the work?

  • Mehran, Software Architect, PM
  • Keyvan, Software Architect, CoPM
  • Ehsan, UX Architect, CoPM
  • Afshin, Senior Develoer
  • Maryam, UI/UX Developer
  • Hootan, UI Developer

What is the background of the person(s) doing the work? What experience do they have with such projects in the past?

Functionland’s journey began as a participant in the 2021 Filecoin Hackathon, where our backend project, initially named “Box,” secured the first-place position, and our mobile photo gallery app, formerly known as “Photos” and now renamed “FxFotos,” claimed third place. The article introducing FxFotos led to us amassing over 500 stars on GitHub within the first week.

Following the Hackathon, Functionland was formally incorporated in Canada, and we successfully closed a $1.1 million seed round in January 2022. Our team consists of 20 dedicated professionals, including developers, software architects, UI/UX designers, testers, and more, all driven by an unwavering commitment to bringing the true essence of blockchain technology into people’s lives.

To learn more about our talented development team, you can read Functionland’s Team of Ninjas.

Our Core Team

  • Mehran
    • 20+ years of experience in software development
    • .NET guru
    • Managed lots of projects with team size of 20+
    • 5+ years of experience on Azure
  • Keyvan
    • MSc. Artificial Intelligence, University of Southampton
    • 10+ years in executive tech positions
    • Open-source veteran
  • Ehsan
    • MSc. Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder
    • Former Software Lead at L’Oreal
    • UX Architect
  • Afshin
    • 20+ years of experience in software development
    • Worked with a variety of technologies: C#, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Angular, Blazor, Maui, …
    • Experienced in development for almost every platform: Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux
    • A principal engineer in developing FxFiles
    • A principal engineer in developing TonRich
    • There is literally nothing defined as difficult for Afshin, he will do it!
  • Maryam
    • 10+ years of experience in UI/UX
    • Master of CSS and styles
    • Experienced in Blazor
    • The main UI/UX developer of TonRich
  • Hootan
    • Experienced in Blazor
    • Experienced in CSS and styles
    • Experienced in designing complicated UIs

Our Previous Projects

  • FxFiles
  • FxFotos
  • TonRich
  • Ton.Fragment Nuget Package, A .NET SDK to work with auctions on TON

What is the breakdown of the proposed work, in terms of milestones and/or deadlines?

  • Milestone 0: PoC (Done)
  • Milestone 1: UI
  • Milestone 2: Backend and P2P logic
  • Milestone 3: Connecting to RocketPool APIs (through support from Joe)

How is the work being tested? Is testing included in the schedule?

To ensure the app’s quality, we employ several testing methods:

  • Unit Tests: Applied to critical sections of the logic.
  • Integration Tests: Automated tests focusing on the most common scenarios.
  • Android-Specific Tests: Specialized tests to assess Android-specific code.
  • UAT Tests: Comprehensive testing conducted by our QA team before each release to ensure smooth functionality from an end-user perspective.

How will the work be maintained after delivery?

  • This is not only a RocketPool-specific application. Instead, it is a key application in Functionland’s ecosystem, and our business is tightly involved with the success of this application.
  • Feature expansion will be pursued through follow-up grants and bounties.

Payment and Verification

What is the acceptance criteria?

  • App available on Play Store for download
  • Source code available on GitHub
  • Designs available on Figma

What is the proposed payment schedule for the grant? How much USD $ and over what period of time is the applicant requesting?

  • Total: 50,000 USD stablecoin
  • Milestone 1 (UI): 50% ($25,000 at the end of 4th week)
  • Milestone 2 (Backend and P2P logic): 30% ($15,000 at the end of 8th week)
  • Milestone 3 (Connecting to RocketPool SDK): 20% ($10,000 at the end of 12th week)

How will the GMC verify that the work delivered matches the proposed cadence?

Verification will be conducted by assessing the three points outlined in the acceptance criteria at the time of delivery for each milestone.

What alternatives or options have been considered in order to save costs for the proposed project?

  • We are utilizing cross-platform technologies to lower development costs for various platforms.
  • We have assembled a small, efficient, fully remote team.

Conflict of Interest

Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the grant).

  • None

Will the recipient of the grant, or any protocol or project in which the recipient has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the grant is successful?```

  • None
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#Name of Project

Inverter Network

# What is the work being proposed?

This proposal introduces Yield Staking, which offers a Yield Staking contract and a widget with user-friendly UI that will enable projects to offer ETH staking on their sovereign website/application. Later, the project can reward their stakeholders with their native governance token simply by taking a percentage of the staked rETH and distributing their native tokens based on set on and off chain key performance indicators (KPIs.).

How will it work?

  • A project integrates the widget to their website to enable ETH staking
  • Deposits a desired amount of their native token to reward the stakers on top of their ETH
  • Sets its yield sharing percentage with stakers and its KPI target, which can be total staked amount, total accrued yield, or any other on/off chain numerical value that can be objectively verified through the UMA Oracle.
  • Users start staking ETH on the project’s UI, and the contract deposits that ETH to RocketPool.
  • At each period that the project defines, the UMA Oracle validates the performance, and the Yield Staking contract checks it against the KPI target and automatically adjusts the rewards issued for the next period.
  • Over time, the project utilizing the Yield Staking contract can easily modify its KPI target and reward issuance rate.

Yield Staking enables people to invest and support the projects they want by allocating a portion of their staking rewards, in a “stake-to-invest” fashion. It also allows projects to use a new sustainable mechanism to distribute their native tokens to the community in exchange for a % of their ETH staking rewards. In essence, projects can promote ETH staking among their community by offering their tokens as a supplementary incentive alongside the standard staking rewards.

Yield Staking opens a design space with a robust and modular framework to build use cases around sharing ETH yield. It allows anyone to create unique yield-sharing use cases tailored to specific KPIs, based on individual needs and objectives. With this integration, RocketPool node operators stand to gain from an expanded user base, translating to a higher staked TVL and increased earnings.

# Is there any related work this builds off of?

Yield Staking will be configured by utilizing Inverter Protocol. Inverter is a modular protocol infrastructure that enables drag-and-drop smart contract functionalities, making it seamless to build and maintain Protocols and Applications with Low-Code Operating Systems.

With a vision to simplify building on the blockchain, Inverter offers the Inverter Open Library of Modules; a reusable, upgradable, tested & audited repository of stand-alone smart contracts; that can be customized and composed into protocols and mechanisms. Its core operator contract, the Orchestrator, acts as the interoperability layer and connects enabled modules for managing asset flows, authorizations, and other logic functionalities. With this design, projects can immediately adapt and modify functionalities without additional development and auditing costs. Inverter’s architecture opens a new design space for novel blockchain applications, starting with staking.

Inverter is currently building oStake, which is a novel staking contract that dynamically optimizes staking rewards based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), encompassing both on-chain and off-chain metrics like TVL, application usage, website views, or any other publicly verifiable numerical data.

The Yield Staking contract will be able to leverage all the building blocks from oStake and extend its functionality with the Yield Staking module, which enables yield sharing between different parties on Rocketpool.

## Will the results of this project be entirely open source? If not, which parts will not be, why, and under what license will they be published?

Yes, we are GPL3 licensed.

# Benefits - enter N/A where appropriate

# How does this help people looking to stake ETH for rETH?

The collaboration between oStake and RocketPool, as structured in the proposed milestones, enhances the Ethereum staking experience in multiple ways:

Seamless Staking with Extra Visibility for RocketPool: With the Yield Staking widget, users can seamlessly stake their ETH to RocketPool from any projects dApp or website.

Customizable KPI-Driven Rewards: Projects can set specific KPIs, like achieving a particular TVL, to drive reward distribution. This means stakers are not just earning static rewards; they’re part of a dynamic system where they can benefit from achieving milestones and provide financial support to projects they like.

Diversified Investments: With a mechanism that lets a percentage of the staking yield be swapped for other project tokens, stakers have an avenue to diversify their holdings without additional investments. For example, if they stake through XDAO’s website, they’d earn both rETH from RocketPool and potentially $X tokens from XDAO’s own incentive structure.

# How does this help rETH holders?

As mentioned in the previous answer, Yield Staking offers significant advantages for ETH holders looking to stake for rETH. For the current rETH holders, there are still benefits:

Strengthened Liquidity and Value: The collaboration’s potential to increase TVL and attract a broader user base directly boosts rETH’s liquidity. With more Ethereum locked up and being used, the inherent value and stability of rETH are fortified, benefiting all rETH holders.

# How does this help people looking to run a Rocket Pool node for the first time?

Expanded Audience Base: With Yield Staking, RocketPool can seamlessly tap into a new audience of stakers. This means that as a new node operator, you’re instantly exposed to a larger group of potential stakers.

Increased Staking Activity: A broader audience translates to more ETH being staked. As a new node runner, this is advantageous, as higher staking activity leads to validators validating more transactions, which in turn boosts earning potential.

Streamlined User Onboarding: The introduction of a simple staking UI on websites that directs users straight to RocketPool is highly beneficial since it offers RocketPool (and by extension, new node operators) a free growth strategy. Each project leveraging Yield Staking becomes a direct user, channeling its community of stakers to RocketPool.

All of these combined - the wider audience, increased staking, and streamlined onboarding - mean one thing for new node operators: a significant revenue potential right from the get-go.

# How does this help people already running a Rocket Pool node?

See the previous answer.

# How does this help the Rocket Pool community?

Yield Staking brings substantial benefits to the RocketPool community, with a particular emphasis on greater adoption. By integrating our widget into project websites/platforms, RocketPool gains access to new communities, and each member of these communities essentially becomes a potential RocketPool user. This presents a compelling opportunity for use-case expansion, broader adoption, and substantial growth. Furthermore, the increased visibility might help establish RocketPool as the go-to platform for projects looking to incentivize ETH staking.

Additionally, this collaboration can be lucrative for RocketPool financially in several ways.

Firstly, it leads to an increase in Total Value Locked (TVL) within the RocketPool ecosystem as more users stake their ETH via RocketPool’s infrastructure. Moreover, RocketPool benefits from validator commission fees generated from these increased stakes, creating a direct financial incentive. Finally, the additional use case for ETH staking can appeal to any individual staker, creating the perfect funnel to potentially attract every ETH holder in the space.

Overall, this collaboration not only offers mutual financial benefits but also promotes RocketPool as a go-to choice for advanced ETH staking strategies in the blockchain space, ultimately benefiting the broader RocketPool community.

# How does this help RPL holders?

Increased Adoption and Visibility: As explained in the previous answers, Yield Staking grants RocketPool a new use case and therefore, the opportunity to tap into a new user base. This not only introduces RocketPool to a wider audience but can also potentially increase the demand and utilization of the RPL token.

# What other non-RPL protocols, DAOs, projects, or individuals, would stand to benefit from this grant?

DeFi Protocols: This novel staking approach can become a foundational tool for any DeFi project aiming to enhance liquidity strategies and user incentives.

E.g. A DeFi protocol called oFinance wants to boost the TVL in one of their ETH staking pools to $2M. oFinance sets up a Yield Staking contract and sets KPI trenches of $1M, $1.5M and $2M. When the targets are met, stakers will enjoy increasing staking rewards; native token rewards on top of their ETH yield; incentivizing staking for oFinance users.

DAOs, Communities & Projects: By introducing adaptive staking models based on KPIs, users would have a tool in their arsenal to better align member incentives, driving engagement and promoting mission-centric actions.

E.g. oFinance is disappointed with the performance of its blog, as it has few subscribers despite having a large community. oFinance creates a Yield Staking contract and sets the subscriber amount for the blog as the KPI. oFinance users stake their ETH on the Yield Staking contracnt. As the subscribers increase, stakers will receive additional rewards in $OF on top of their yield. This way, oFinance can financially incentivize their users to subscribe to their blog.

Individual Stakers and Developers: With a more adaptable staking framework available, both individual stakers and developers are provided with a richer, user-friendly experience, and a platform ripe for innovation.

E.g. Individual stakers looking to maximize their earnings would contribute to the KPIs set by the Yield Staking contract and enjoy the benefits. Moreover, developers can come up with more creative ways to set KPIs to create new use cases.

## Team

# Who is doing the work?

Marvin, our head of protocol architect, Solidity native with 5+ years of experience in the Ethereum space, and 12+ years in software development, leading multiple teams throughout his journey. He’s got an extensive background in security and auditing, having advised as well as audited lots of projects on their general architecture, security, and development processes.

Github: marvinkruse (forum doesnt allow me to upload more links)

Pablo Carra is our smart contract developer with a computer science background, and has been involved as a developer in Web3 projects for the past 3 years. He has been contributing since the initial research working groups of Inverter.

Github: 0xNuggan

Rahul is a smart contract developer who also has a background in computer science with a lot of deep low-level experience with Solidity and connections to the Ethereum development community. He has worked with and audited countless protocols throughout the last few years and has a lot of experience with the latest technology within the space.

Felix is our lead smart contract developer, a background in computer science with experience in leading software projects, has been a part of the Ethereum development community for a few years already and contributed to many projects as a developer and auditor.

Gitub: FHieser

Marvin Gross, a graduate from Encole 42’s computer science program, has been a web3 engineer for over three years, specializing in smart contract development. His expertise encompasses DeFi, ReFi, and Cross-chain protocols.

# What is the background of the person(s) doing the work? What experience do they have with such projects in the past?

See the previous question.

# What is the breakdown of the proposed work, in terms of milestones and/or deadlines?

Module Category Module Name Module Function Module Parameterization
FundingManager RebasingFundingManager Holds DAO reward tokens Whitelist the reward token
Authorizer RoleAuthorizer Manages the Workflow The DAO Multisig would be the owner
PaymentProcessor ERC20PaymentProcessor Sends token rewards to users. NA
Logic Module Yield Staking Module with KPI Rewarder Manages the user stakes, separates the protocol fee and calculates reward payouts based on the staked amount. Deposits go to RocketPool. The token held by the module is the staked one. The Project sets the KPIs and UMA oracle to validate them. Passing checks are sent to the PaymentProcessor as PaymentOrders to distribute staking rewards.
User interactions on smart contracts On setup, the protocol deposits the reward tokens into the FundingManager. Users can now stake ETH in the staking module, which deposits the funds to RocketPool and holds the resulting rETH. On a regular basis, the oStake module calculates the total yield generated over a period of time (or another KPI), and based on that amount distributes rewards in DAO tokens to all stakers. In exchange, it keeps a percentage of the ETH yield as commission.


Milestone Objective Deliverables Requested Funding Expected Timeline
1. Yield Staking Specification Align on a technical specification for starting the development of Yield Staking. Technical Specification to start 1. New module development 2. Integration with RocketPool 2 weeks
2. Yield Staking Development Develop Yield Staking 1. All the required modules are developed and documented 2. The Yield Staking workflow is set up 3. Code Review and Confirmation by the RocketPool team before Audit $15k USD 2 months
3. Audit Complete Audit Yield Staking 1. Complete audit 2. Launch a public bug bounty competition on Hats Finance $25k USD 1 month
4. Low-Code Operating Interface & Widget Development Develop the UI tooling to make Yield Staking usable and accessible without requiring manual deployment & integration overhead Low Code Operating interface to: 1. Set up the Yield Staking contract’s parameters for yield sharing and reward distribution based on set KPIs 1. Access a Widget that can seamlessly plug into a custom website $10k USD 2 months (can go concurrently with Milestone 2)

# How is the work being tested? Is testing included in the schedule?

Testing is included in the schedule. We have multiple tests we apply to every module as a security standard. Each testing will be available on the GitHub repo together with the smart contracts:

Unit Testing: Each individual component or module of the Inverter Protocol undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it functions as intended in isolation.

Integration Testing: Once individual units are verified, the next step is to ensure they work harmoniously when integrated. Integration testing focuses on the interactions between different modules, ensuring:

End-to-End (E2E) Testing: E2E testing evaluates the system as a whole, simulating real-world scenarios and user interactions.

Fuzz Testing: This involves bombarding the system with a vast array of random inputs to uncover unexpected vulnerabilities. It’s akin to stress-testing the protocol against unpredictable scenarios.

After the smart contracts are tested and audited with the low-code interfaces, we would like to coordinate a testing together with Rocketpool.

# How will the work be maintained after delivery?

Yield Staking will be fully open-source, complete with a suite of tests and audits. This ensures that it is available and accessible to anyone wishing to use or adapt it without direct reliance on Inverter.

However, at Inverter, proactive and consistent maintenance of our technology remains at the core of our mission. We envision Inverter not just as a tool but as a blockchain protocol standard designed to address real-world challenges, simplifying the complexities of integrating blockchain solutions. As part of our commitment, we are continually refining our protocol, setting standards for contributions to the Inverter module library, coordinating necessary upgrades, and introducing new modules based on both research and the evolving needs of the ecosystem.

As a protocol, we are incentivized to drive the usage of this novel staking application that leverages Rocketpool to showcase our protocol’s capabilities and its value offer for infrastructure protocols like Rocketpool.

# Payment and Verification

# What is the acceptance criteria? # What are the specific deliverables needed to satisfy the scope of the project and verify its completion?

All the deliverables for each milestone are provided in the Roadmap Milestones & Budgeting table above.

# What is the proposed payment schedule for the grant? How much USD $ and over what period of time is the applicant requesting?

All the deliverables for each milestone are provided in the Roadmap Milestones & Budgeting table above.

## How will the GMC verify that the work delivered matches the proposed cadence?

GitHub Repository: All code changes, additions, and milestones will be actively tracked and documented on Inverter’s dedicated GitHub repository. Each milestone will have its corresponding branch, facilitating the review process. Pull requests, commit messages, and code reviews will provide a detailed breakdown of work completed, ensuring traceability.

Baked in Accountability: Starting from the first milestone, code review and confirmation by the Rocketpool team is a condition for progressing on the milestones, and without alignment with the GMC we will not be able to unlock funding for the next milestone.

Monthly Progress Reports: To ensure consistent communication, we’ll provide monthly progress reports via Telegram (or forum) outlining work completed, any challenges faced, and anticipated next steps. This keeps RocketPool informed and provides an avenue for feedback and suggestions.

Open Feedback Loop: To ensure immediate redressal of any concerns, we will maintain an open feedback loop with the RocketPool team by setting up quick check-in calls to ensure that both teams are in sync and any discrepancies can be addressed in real time.

Third-Party Audits: The security reviews and public audit competition via Hats Finance will serve as an external verification mechanism. The findings of these audits will be shared with RocketPool, assuring that the module adheres to the highest security standards.

Use Case Articles: A comprehensive Use Case article will be crafted. This article won’t just serve as an instructional guide, but it will be accompanied by real-world examples and possibly, user testimonials, which can attest to the success and ease of the integration process.

# What alternatives or options have been considered in order to save costs for the proposed project?

Inverter protocol’s modular architecture enables seamless composability between smart contract functionalities to configure a custom workflow. The Yield Staking contract is leveraging these existing building blocks, reducing the need for an extended development scope and resource allocation, while still retaining the highest standards of quality assurance for the contracts.

## Conflict of Interest

# Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the grant).


# Will the recipient of the grant, or any protocol or project in which the recipient has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the grant is successful?`


1 Like

Name of Project


What is the work being proposed?

We propose to integrate Rocket Pool smart contracts and tokens into the OKcontract platform, and create embeddable transactional interfaces for Rocket Pool.

These interfaces (that we can call widgets) can be embedded into any web page with a simple copy/paste of an HTML snippet generated by the OKcontract platform.

This initiative will enable Rocket Pool teams and community contributors to facilitate direct interactions with the Rocket Pool smart contracts, enable staking ETH for rETH or swapping to rETH from DEXes, on third-party platforms including blogs, tutorials, documentation, etc.

Is there any related work this builds off of?

The work is possible thanks to the infrastructure that OKcontract has been building after a long research phase. We standardize onchain interactions with smart contracts and onchain assets.

Benefits - enter N/A where appropriate

How does this help people looking to stake ETH for rETH?

This project will provide alternate frontends for staking ETH for rETH.

How does this help rETH holders?

rETH holders will benefit from the awareness that alternate front ends will bring more potential stakers, and the availability of other options for frontends increase the decentralization.

How does this help the Rocket Pool community?

The Rocket Pool community can use the widget to educate new users, provide access to staking ETH for rETH beyond existing dApps and pools.

Frontends play a crucial role in smart contract adoption: By allowing any web site to offer its users a possibility to interact with Rocket Pool smart contracts without extra coding, the use of alternate interfaces can increase the Total Value Locked (TVL).

Hosted on the OKcontract platform, the initial set of widgets would be cloned and customized by Rocket Pool teams or other community contributors.

How does this help RPL holders?

RPL value is tied to the TVL and the market share of Rocket Pool in the LST market. The ability to embed more interfaces into multiple web pages will increase the TVL, hence bringing value to RPL holders.

What other non-RPL protocols, DAOs, projects, or individuals, would stand to benefit from this grant?

Any project, such as tutorial, blog, or third-party website can benefit from this project as it provides an interface to interact with the Rocket Pool protocol.


Who is doing the work?

OKcontract core team members for this project will include: Ida Swarczewskaja and Cheun Marec.

What is the background of the person(s) doing the work? What experience do they have with such projects in the past?

The OKcontract team has extensive experience in crypto, cybersecurity, UX and software engineering. Focused on solving the challenges developers face with client-side implementations of blockchain transactions, UI generation for smart contracts and improving user experience. We created frontends for Alchemix liquidity migrator, Compound III, swap and stake on OKX DEX among others.

Widget example:
curve swap and stake

What is the breakdown of the proposed work, in terms of milestones and/or deadlines?

Milestone 1: Whitelist Rocket Pool smart contracts and tokens in the ecosystem on OKcontract platform

  • Validate which asset to whitelist with the Rocket Pool team and chains:

    • rETH
    • rETH/ETH pool tokens
  • Whitelist selected smart contracts on chosen chains

  • Whitelist selected tokens on chosen chains

Milestone 2: Creation of demo widgets by OKcontract

  • Validate with the Rocket Pool team the most useful widgets to be created, methods to be called, tokens to be used
  • Create widgets for rETH staking:
    • rETH native staking on mainnet
    • rETH native staking on Layer2
    • Staking with Rocket Pool rETH/ETH Curve pool on mainnet
    • Swap ETH/rETH on Layer2
  • Creation of multi step widgets that enable to choose the most interesting option depending on the price ratio

Milestone 3: Testing transactions widgets

  • Testing of all widgets
  • Test embedding into webpages
  • Test transactions while widgets are embedded into webpages

Milestone 4: Dissemination

  • Communicate about widgets and share assets with the Rocket Pool community
  • Provide support to publishers displaying the widgets on their websites
  • Provide access to widgets on the OKcontract platform
  • Get feedback from the Rocket Pool community

Total duration: 4 weeks

How is the work being tested? Is testing included in the schedule?

Testing to be done by the OKcontract team.

How will the work be maintained after delivery?

OKcontract team will provide access Rocket Pool team access to the widgets, and will host the widgets (TBD)

Payment and Verification

What is the acceptance criteria?

Successful transactions within the widgets.

What is the proposed payment schedule for the grant? How much USD $ and over what period of time is the applicant requesting?

Milestone 1: 1500 USD
Milestone 2: 3500 USD
Milestone 3: 1000 USD
Milestone 4: 1000 USD
Total Budget: 7000 USD

How will the GMC verify that the work delivered matches the proposed cadence?

Everybody will be able to see and use the widgets.

OKcontract will provide access to the admin platform, including dedicated Rocket Pool page and widgets definitions to the Rocket Pool teams.

Conflict of Interest

Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the grant).


Will the recipient of the grant, or any protocol or project in which the recipient has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the grant is successful?

No. Note, that some of our team members are rETH holders

Name of Project

A library of valuable resources to get you started in the Rocketpool ecosystem and become a node.

What is the work being proposed?

Introduction to the most visual and aligned Rocket Pool Educational Project:

Rocket Pool stands as one of the most innovative platforms in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, and with innovation comes the imperative for clear and accessible education. Aiming to empower both our community and newcomers with a deep understanding of our protocol, we’re proposing a series of educational videos that address the core facets of Rocket Pool. It’s important to highlight that this project differs from merely sponsoring content for content creators. The content produced as part of this proposal will incorporate Rocket Pool’s branding, as it is intended to be used by the community as a resource for everyone. It’s not just about creating content; it’s about building videos that align so closely with Rocket Pool that they can be added to the official documentation, which is what we suggest doing once the series is completed.

Thhe series consists of the following videos:

Video 1: What is Rocket Pool and what can you do with it? Liquid Staking on Layer 1 and Layer 2 This video will provide an overview of Rocket Pool, explaining its purpose and how it addresses Liquid Staking on both Layer 1 and Layer 2. Viewers will gain a fundamental understanding of the protocol.

Video 2: How to Liquid Stake in Rocket Pool and Earn Rewards? What is rETH? In this video, we’ll delve into how users can perform Liquid Staking in Rocket Pool, what rETH is, and how they can earn rewards by participating in the protocol. It will be a practical guide for those interested in using Rocket Pool.

Video 3: What is and How to Become a Node Operator? This video will focus on explaining what it entails to become a node operator in Rocket Pool. Viewers will learn the necessary steps and requirements to join the network as a node operator.

Video 4: Tokenomics: RPL and the DAO The fourth video will address the tokenomics aspect of Rocket Pool, specifically focusing on the RPL token and the associated DAO. Viewers will understand how these key aspects of the Rocket Pool ecosystem function.

Video 5: Roadmap: Redstone, Atlas, and beyond… What was in the past and what lies ahead for Rocket Pool? Adding a video that covers the Rocket Pool roadmap, including past and future updates, is an excellent idea. This video will provide a more comprehensive view of the protocol’s evolution and what to expect in the future. It will discuss past updates like Redstone and Atlas and provide insights into upcoming updates and developments, giving viewers an exciting glimpse into the future of Rocket Pool.

Through this series, we aspire to demystify Rocket Pool’s technical and operational aspects, facilitating a smoother entry for those keen on joining our thriving community. We firmly believe that by providing top-tier educational tools, we can further solidify our bond with users and bolster trust in our protocol.

Is there any related work this builds off of?

Only the official Rocketpool documentation.

Will the results of this project be entirely open source? If not, which parts will not be, why, and under what license will they be published?

Yes, all the educational content produced as part of this grant will be free for use by any individual, organization, or entity interested in learning more about Rocketpool.

Benefits - enter N/A where appropriate

How does this series of videos benefit people looking to stake ETH for rETH?

This series of educational videos offers a comprehensive guide that visually explains the staking process in Rocket Pool, making it easier for users and devs to understand. By watching these videos, individuals can make well-informed decisions when exchanging their ETH for rETH.

How does this series of videos benefit rETH holders?

Through the content presented in these videos, rETH holders gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms, advantages, and potential risks associated with holding rETH. This knowledge empowers them to become a more informed and confident community of rETH holders.

How does this series of videos benefit people looking to run a Rocket Pool node for the first time?

The video series serves as a perfect introduction for those who want to become node operators for the first time. It offers the best and most user-friendly way to introduce them to the process, ensuring a smooth and accessible entry into the world of Rocket Pool node operation.

How does this series of videos benefit people already running a Rocket Pool node?

Existing node operators can refer to the video series for best practices, troubleshooting tips, and updates. This resource ensures that they can optimize the efficiency and security of their nodes, enhancing their overall experience.

How does this series of videos benefit the Rocket Pool community?

By offering clear and comprehensive video resources, these videos empower community members with knowledge. This reduces misunderstandings, encourages informed discussions, and lowers the frequency of repetitive queries, fostering a more productive and knowledgeable community environment.

How does this series of videos benefit RPL holders?

Educational content plays a crucial role in building trust and transparency within the ecosystem. As more users and stakeholders are drawn to Rocket Pool due to the informative video series, increased participation and understanding can indirectly enhance RPL’s intrinsic value and benefit its holders.

What other non-RPL protocols, DAOs, projects, or individuals, would stand to benefit from this grant?

In general, anyone interested in learning about Rocket Pool or how their mechanisms and technologies work will have free access to these videos.


Who is doing the work?


What is the background of the person(s) doing the work? What experience do they have with such projects in the past?

Cryptoversidad is team dedicated to accelerating the mass adoption of Web3 technologies. We produce high-quality educational content aimed at empowering individuals to navigate the blockchain world. By offering short, digestible, and interactive videos, we break down complex topics to make Web3 accessible and understandable for everyone. We simplify the learning journey for users, developers and contributors to participate more effectively in projects and communities.

Our incredible team is composed of:

  1. Diego: Founder and ceo @Cryptoversidad.
  2. Ben: Co-founder and adviser.
  3. Pilar: Head of Research. In charge of all the research & writing of our amazing content.
  4. Dani: Audiovisual Producer. The hand behind our amazing animations.
  5. Yami: Animation and design. The hand behind our amazing graphics.
  6. Robert: Operations Assistant. Helps identify and solve all types of problems.
  7. Juan Parra: Marketing Lead. Helps us share our work with the world.

If you want to learn more about us, visit:

What is the breakdown of the proposed work, in terms of milestones and/or deadlines?

  1. Planning and scripting Content: Developing a detailed plan for each video in the series and drafting scripts that are clear and easy to understand. (Expected duration: 4 weeks)
  2. Reviewing and feedback: Reviewing the content with experts and the community, making necessary changes, and finalizing the scripts. (Expected duration: 1 week)
  3. Production: Creating high-quality animations and recording voiceovers for each video. (Expected duration: 6 weeks)
  4. Launch and completion: Releasing the video series, incorporating it into dydx website and, sharing it with the community, and gathering feedback. (1 week)

Total: 12 weeks from grant approval to final delivery

How is the work being tested? Is testing included in the schedule?

All content will be shared with the DAO and community members before the animation period, to ensure it is aligned with the values and ethos of rocketpool. We expect to receive valuable feedback to improve the videos.

How will the work be maintained after delivery?

Once the work has been completed, we will keep in touch to update or improve it as needed.

Payment and Verification

What is the acceptance criteria?

The acceptance criteria for awarding the bounty for educational videos are:

  • Relevance to the Rocket Pool ecosystem in articulating its information and updates in engaging videos
  • Clarity and quality of information for the entire community
  • Community participation through feedback

What is the proposed payment schedule for the grant? How much USD $ and over what period of time is the applicant requesting?

We request $8,500 USD for the completion of the project. For ease of payment we suggest 50% with grant approval and 50% after project completion. But we can adapt if something fits better.

How will the GMC verify that the work delivered matches the proposed cadence?

The GMC will be able to verify the roadmap of the work with each update that would be made at the end of each milestone.

What alternatives or options have been considered in order to save costs for the proposed project?

The proposed cost covers each stage of the project so that we can deliver the highest quality work possible in the shortest possible time.

Conflict of Interest

Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose?


Will the recipient of the grant, or any protocol or project in which the recipient has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the grant is successful?


Name of Project - MERCLE

What is the work being proposed?

Mercle ( envisions to create a decentralized web3 identity/reputation(a collection of attestations) data layer for web3 dapps. It allows dapps to issue attestations for on-chain and off-chain user interaction. The architectural core of Mercle provides a foundation for decentralized identities, which can be used for better governance, efficient coordination, smart token rewards distribution, and even as a reputation layer, where any dapp can tap into Mercle to determine a web3 user’s existing reputation/contributions to other project or design their own system , globally as well as in a certain community.

One of Mercle’s early applications is “Mercle Rewards,” a gamified platform for reward distribution. This platform allows web3 protocols to set up point-based rewards with game-like features to engage users and support growth. The platform’s applications include:

  • Issuing unique NFT avatars to dapp users that evolve with participation.
  • Boosting trading activity in defi apps through leaderboards and rewards.
  • Implementing leaderboards, referral programs and social media promotions.
  • Educating and onboarding users with NFTs and informational content.

We propose to create a white label reward platform for Rocket Pool to incentive users with token reward or NFT based mini quests for engaging with the protocol.

Details of The Campaign:

Mercle-Rewards for Rocket Pool: A specialized Mercle-Rewards system will be designed exclusively for the Rocket Pool community. This will be accompanied by a questing page where users can actively engage and participate. Rocket Pool can use this

Diverse Task Completion for XP Points: Participants will have the opportunity to complete a range of tasks, both social and on-chain, to earn XP points. Additionally, to diversify the task offerings and maintain active participation, quizzes will be incorporated.

Referral Contest: To amplify the reach and encourage the integration of new members into the Rocket Pool dapp, a referral contest will be launched. This strategy aims to create a domino effect, where each user is incentivized to bring more users to the platform. As an incentive, every successful referral will reward users with XP points. This not only promotes new member integration but also ensures active users are consistently rewarded for their contributions.

Leaderboard Distribution: The accumulation of XP points will translate to ranks on a leaderboard. This leaderboard will serve as a transparent mechanism to distribute the grant provided by Rocket Pool. Users at the top, representing the most active and contributing members, will benefit the most.

Educational & Staking Objective: The ultimate goal of this program is twofold. Firstly, it aims to educate new members about the nuances of the platform and the broader crypto ecosystem. Secondly, it encourages existing members to increase their stakes in ETH for rETH, as well as it can be given a direction of educating the users on running nodes, making them learn what staking is etc.

Mercle-Rewards, when seamlessly integrated into the Rocket Pool ecosystem, promises to revolutionize community engagement and elevate brand presence. Through interactive quizzes and insightful educational onboarding, we’re ensuring participants deeply understand and resonate with Rocket Pool’s ethos, keeping them continuously engaged. The introduction of unique community NFTs, which stand as badges of dedication and authenticity, will undoubtedly motivate members to amplify their staking activities. These NFTs, treasured as collectibles, symbolize an honest and integral association with the Rocket Pool community. As we merge these initiatives, the synergy will not only strengthen the ties within our community but also cast a spotlight on Rocket Pool, enhancing its reputation in the expansive crypto universe. Leveraging Mercle’s decentralized identity data network, Rocket Pool is set to redefine community interaction and trust in the web3 space.

Here’s a example of tasks that we can do:-

  • Attend the Rocket Pool Quiz - 1 (Staking)
  • Attend the Rocket Pool Quiz - 2 (Node Operation)
  • Stake X amount of ETH for Y amount of days to get Z amount of Tokens/Assets/XP points.

Here X, Y and Z can be any variable based on how we want to design the cost for incentivizing those transactions.

Rocket Pool Campaign KPIs:

  • Attract 10,000 participants within the first month of the campaign launch. Of these, 60% should be existing members, while 40% should be new joiners influenced by the referral contest.
  • Drive new users to Rocket Pool and create sustainable ecosystem growth.
  • Achieve an average staking of $100 by 50% of these participants. This would result in a total of $500,000 newly staked into the Rocket Pool dapp.

Is there any related work this builds off of?
No, we’ll be building off the campaign from scratch using our Mercle identity infrastructure. We do use other infrastructure like IPFS for storing the reward profiles and identity profiles, but their work is not related to Mercle in any sense.

Will the results of this project be entirely open source? If not, which parts will not be, why, and under what license will they be published?
Certainly, the credentials data network of this project will be open-sourced, emphasizing our dedication to transparency and collaboration with web3 developers. We’ve chosen to release it under the MIT License, a widely-respected open-source license.


How does this help people looking to stake ETH for rETH?
How does this help rETH holders?
How does this help the Rocket Pool community?
How does this help people looking to run a Rocket Pool node for the first time?
Combined Answer -
The integration of Mercle-Rewards into Rocket Pool promotes user participation through tasks and quizzes. A referral system rewards users for introducing new members. XP points from these activities are tracked on a leaderboard, guiding Rocket Pool’s grant distribution. The initiative educates new users about Rocket Pool and motivates existing members to stake more ETH for rETH. As more rETH holders join, the token gains stability. This growth increases rETH demand and liquidity, strengthening its position in the market.

How does this help people already running a Rocket Pool node?

How does this help RPL holders?

What other non-RPL protocols, DAOs, projects, or individuals, would stand to benefit from this grant?

Will the resulting project be open source?


Who is doing the work?
The mercle team will be directly working on this campaign. The in-house tech team will focus on developing the campaign page and integrating contracts etc. While the marketing and customer team will communicate with the RP Team to give the whole campaign an easy execution.

What is the background of the person(s) doing the work? What experience do they have with such projects in the past?
We are a team of entrepreneurs, with each member having previously founded their own venture:-
Prashant(Founder): Prashant has a background in aerospace engineering. He founded two companies in web2, and I have been involved in web3 since 2015. I was an early employee at PolygonLabs and part of the founding team of Polygon Studios, where he oversaw NFT ecosystem adoption and growth. I later transitioned to Consensys as the Program Director for Tachyon, working with over 30 web3 startups on their initial market strategies and customer acquisition. LINKEDIN - Prashant Sharma - CEO & Founder - Mercle | LinkedIn

Nischit(Co-Founder): Nischit has a degree in Computer Science and was the lead engineer for the perpetual derivative exchange, Coinmax. He also founded Nepal’s first online stock trading platform. Later, he contributed as a full-stack engineer at OYO.

Lokesh(Growth Lead): Lokesh dropped out of college and founded his first company at 17. He began working with NFTs in web3 and previously led growth and business development for the web3 fractionalization protocol, Nibbl.

Devansh(Marketing Lead): Devansh has a degree in Computer Science Engineering. He works as a growth specialist and also has skills in design. He was an early employee at 5ireChain.

Shantanu(Product Lead) Shantanu, a self-taught designer, guides our product direction. He previously contributed to Superfry’s product design, helping it reach 1 million DAUs.

What is the breakdown of the proposed work, in terms of milestones and/or deadlines?

Phase 1: Planning & Design

  • Requirements Documentation: Outline of specific objectives, key performance indicators, and the scope of integration.
  • Technical Architecture: A detailed blueprint of the system’s design, specifying how Mercle Rewards will be used along with Rocket Pool’s dapp.
  • UI/UX Design Mockups: Visual designs for the gamified dashboard and any other user-facing components.

Phase 2: Development

  • Gamification Dashboard Development: Build a user-friendly dashboard with actions that Rocket Pool users can take to earn rewards.
    • Leaderboards
    • Raffles
    • Loot Boxes
  • NFT Avatar System: Implement the issuance of unique NFT/SBT avatars that evolve based on user participation.
  • (Note: This feature will be optional, as the gamification can work just on leaderboards and other competitive factors.)
  • Referral Program: Develop a system to reward users for referring new participants to Rocket Pool via Mercle Rewards.
  • Educational Content & Onboarding: Produce quiz content pieces to educate new users about Rocket Pool and integrate it with Mercle dapp.

Phase 3: Testing

  • Unit Tests: Ensure that individual components are working as expected.
  • Integration Tests: Validate that the Mercle Rewards system integrates smoothly with Rocket Pool.
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Involve a small group of Rocket Pool users to test the new features and provide feedback.

Phase 4: Deployment & Monitoring

  • Deployment: Roll out the campaign dashboard and other features to the Rocket Pool user base.
  • Campaign Execution: Run the gamification campaign for a one-week trial period.
  • Monitoring & Metrics Collection: Continuously monitor user engagement, activity levels, and other KPIs during the campaign.

Phase 5: Analysis & Iteration

  • Data Analysis: Evaluate the success of the campaign based on collected metrics.
  • Post-Implementation Review: Conduct a thorough review to assess what worked well and what needs improvement.
  • Iterative Development: Plan the next set of features and the next week of rewards with improvements based on insights gained.
  • By building upon Mercle’s capabilities in on-chain reputation and gamification, this plan aims to enhance user engagement and adoption for Rocket Pool.

How is the work being tested? Is testing included in the schedule?
The Mercle dapp is currently undergoing private beta testing and is being refined continuously. Prior to the Rocket Pool campaign launch, a segment of our early-supporting Discord community will be granted closed access to evaluate the campaign page. Yes the test is also scheduled in our plan.

How will the work be maintained after delivery?
We are committed to our project and its long-term vision. Even after completing the grant’s milestones, we will continue to refine the campaign. If the DAO finds the results of the reward program satisfactory, we are open to collaborating with the team again in the future.

Payment and Verification

What is the proposed payment schedule for the grant? How much USD $ and over what period of time is the applicant requesting?

We’re requesting a grant of $60,000 from the Rocket Pool DAO.

We believe we’d require funds in 2 phases. Phase 1 with a request of $20,000 would be used to support the development of the campaign page. Phase 2 with a request of $40,000 would be totally used to give out rewards to the campaign winners. The phase 2 will be requested after we submit the working link of the dapp with the campaign page of Rocket Pool ready.

How will the GMC verify that the work delivered matches the proposed cadence?

We will be submitting the development updates in the forum time by time as the phase of our development gets completed. For keeping the trust of the GMC we will only ask for phase 2 grant amount when the campaign is at its final stages and it’s time to send rewards to people.

What alternatives or options have been considered in order to save costs for the proposed project?

We can cut costs in 2 ways, first by reducing the infrastructure costs or second option is to reduce the amount of reward that we’ll give out. But we feel that reducing any of the two would have some effects over the project.

Conflict of Interest

Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the grant).
No, nobody from the Mercle team is a member of GMC and no one from GMC would benefit directly from the grant.

Will the recipient of the grant, or any protocol or project in which the recipient has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the grant is successful?
To run and support the development of this campaign and the Mercle dapp, we will be keeping $20,000 of the grant amount as an infrastructure cost as a company. No team member working on this campaign would directly get a financial benefit from this development fee directly or solely.

Name of Project

Sharpe Labs (

Legal Name: Sharpe Labs Ltd.

What is the work being proposed?

After meeting the Rocketpool team at ETHSingapore, we were convinced to make Rocketpool a core integration for our platform. Sharpe aims to build a platform where rETH holders can increase capital efficiency and enable seamless composability for rETH.

Recursive borrowing strategy is one of the most popular liquid staking strategies used to amplify yield on rETH. It works by borrowing WETH against rETH on Aave V3 or Morpho, converting that borrowed WETH to rETH, and then staking that rETH to generate more rETH. This process can be repeated multiple times to create a leveraged position on rETH.

Using this strategy, rETH holders can increase their APR by taking advantage of a higher supply rate of rETH than the borrowing rate of WETH on Aave V3/Morpho.

Unlike other products, with Sharpe, the leveraged position will be created right in the user’s wallets/EOA using smart accounts. So unlike Vaults, the user will have full control of the position. Sharpe Base will give users a platform where they can manage their leveraged position like boosting the leverage of the rETH position.

We are essentially building a better infrastructure for users who want to recursively stake or invest in composable products built on rETH to increase yields. for more information on how our product works - check out our docs: docs(dot)

Where we are right now:

  • Leverage rETH product ready on Arbitrum mainnet: currently gated launch with beta users
  • Product ready with boosted yields

Where we want to be:

  • Become the default interface for users wanting to leverage rETH and build composable/leveraged products on rETH.
  • Expand to Layer 2 solutions to attract a broader user base.
  • Develop more advanced financial products, like leveraged sDAI, which utilizes rETH staking-borrowing arbitrage to offer a better stablecoin.

Previous Accolades and Partnerships:

Sharpe Labs has previously received grants from Polygon DAO and Aave Grants DAO. We have notable partnerships and integrations with industry leaders like Google Cloud, Microsoft Startup Hub, Aave, Gelato, 0x, and Chainlink.

How does this benefit the Rocket Pool community?

Our project aims to strengthen the Rocket Pool ecosystem by improving the composability and capital efficiency of rETH across chains. Importantly, our use of Safe Core implementation and proxy contracts ensures that we do not take distribution away from Rocket Pool. Instead, we enable higher distribution both on Rocket Pool and for rETH holders.

Our platform serves as a more advanced user interface for leveraging and composability, but the funds are never custodied by us. This aligns with Rocket Pool’s ethos of decentralization. Essentially, we offer users more tools and financial products to optimize their staking returns, all while keeping Rocket Pool’s architecture at the core of these offerings.

By improving yields on rETH, we attract more users to the Rocket Pool ecosystem. Our goal here is to become the de facto interface for users looking to maximize the utility of their rETH, which in turn, benefits the broader Rocket Pool community by driving adoption and usage.

Will the results of this project be entirely open source?

Yes, the contracts and deployment will be entirely open-source following audits.

How does this help people looking to stake ETH for rETH?

Our platform serves as a catalyst for those who are considering staking ETH to obtain rETH. We offer an advanced, yet user-friendly interface that not only allows for the straightforward staking of ETH but also provides innovative financial products built around rETH such as leveraged sDAI.

How does this help RPL holders?

The success of our platform is directly tied to increased demand and usage of rETH, which in turn strengthens the entire Rocket Pool ecosystem. As we attract more users to stake via rETH, the usage, and adoption of Rocket Pool will likely increase.


We are a team of seasoned researchers, developers, and quants with a track record of building and scaling products.


Rishabh Narang, CEO
Utsav Agarwal, CTO


Sudeep Sagar, Lead Backend
Anirudha Thorat, Lead Backend
Md Owais Umar, Full Stack Developer

Design and Frontend

Chirayu Sakarkar, UX Designer
Aryan, Frontend Developer
Pradip, Frontend Developer

What is the breakdown of the proposed work, in terms of milestones and/or deadlines?

We propose a total budget of $30,000, broken down into three main milestones:

Milestone 1: Public Launch of rETH Leverage Liquid Staking on Arbitrum

  • Budget: $10,000
  • Timeline: 3-4 weeks from the start date
  • Deliverables:
    • Functional platform on Arbitrum mainnet for rETH leverage liquid staking
    • Comprehensive testing and audits completed
    • User documentation and guides

Milestone 2: Public Launch of rETH Leverage Staking on the Ethereum Chain

  • Budget: $10,000
  • Timeline: 7-8 weeks from the start date
  • Deliverables:
    • Extend the functionality of the platform to the Ethereum mainnet
    • Complete any necessary additional security audits
    • Update user documentation

Milestone 3: Public Launch of Improved Stablecoin Built Using rETH

  • Budget: $10,000
  • Timeline: 11-12 weeks from the start date
  • Deliverables:
    • Launch of a stablecoin leveraging rETH staking-borrowing arbitrage
    • Complete security audits for new financial product
    • User documentation and educational materials for the new stablecoin

How is the work being tested?

Testing Methodologies:

  1. Unit Tests: These tests focus on individual functions and modules within our smart contracts to ensure they perform as expected.

  2. Integration Tests: These tests evaluate how our smart contracts interact with other smart contracts and systems to ensure seamless functionality.

  3. Invariant Tests: These tests are designed to confirm that certain conditions always hold true during the execution of our smart contracts, ensuring systemic integrity.

  4. Static Analysis: We will utilize tools such as Slither and Mythril for code analysis to identify potential vulnerabilities or errors in our smart contracts.

  5. Frontend/UI Tests: These tests will assess the functionality and usability of our Dapp’s user interface to ensure it meets our design and user experience goals.

  6. Usability Tests: We will conduct live user testing to collect feedback on the user experience and make necessary adjustments.

What are the acceptance criteria?

  • Platform is fully functional and available for users to leverage their rETH.
  • All code related to the project is made public on Github following security audits.

Conflict of Interest

There are no conflicts of interest.

Name of Project

Security Monitoring of Ethereum’s P2P Network using AI models

What is the work being proposed? ### Is there any related work this builds off of?

Our proposed work builds upon the foundation of our previous project, Tikuna [1], which was initially funded by the Ethereum Foundation [2] and aimed at enhancing security monitoring for the Ethereum blockchain network. In collaboration with Rocketpool, we plan to introduce Tikuna 2.0, an evolution of the Tikuna project. This new iteration, integrated into the Rocketpool ecosystem, is designed to further strengthen and augment the overall security measures.

Tikuna 2.0 utilizes an innovative approach primarily centered around the application of unsupervised Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models, a type of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). These techniques enable effective detection of various peer-to-peer (P2P) security attacks. Through extensive empirical testing, we have already demonstrated substantial improvements in detection performance, achieving a high level of accuracy in identifying and classifying threats, including Eclipse attacks, Covert Flash attacks, and other Ethereum blockchain P2P network layer vulnerabilities.

In addition to its detection capabilities, we also have developed preliminary versions of security dashboards for the community. These dashboards provide valuable insights into node behavior and status, making them valuable resources for the Rocketpool ecosystem and its participants. With the support of this grant, our primary objective is to expand Tikuna’s capabilities further. We aim to identify and mitigate additional types of attacks, reduce false positive rates, and enhance its effectiveness in identifying real-world security incidents.

Ultimately, our goal is to contribute to the Rocketpool ecosystem’s reliability and security. We plan to continuously develop and enhance Tikuna based on validated use cases in collaboration with our partner, Edenia [3]. While our current focus is on implementing Tikuna within the Ethereum network, we envision extending its functionalities to other blockchain networks, such as Polygon and Solana, ensuring a more widespread and impactful reach.

Will the results of this project be entirely open source

Yes, Apache

Benefits - enter N/A where appropriate

How does this help people looking to stake ETH for rETH?


How does this help rETH holders?


How does this help people looking to run a Rocket Pool node for the first time?

Operating a node validator on a blockchain network can pose significant challenges, particularly for individuals running one for the first time. Issues such as managing uptime, addressing security threats, and optimizing performance can be daunting. In this context, Tikuna 2.0 plays a vital role in providing essential support.

Our solution is tailored to monitor and provide alerts to node validators, offering valuable assistance to first-time users. Through this grant and its integration into the Rocketpool protocol, we intend to introduce instant alerts, enabling users to respond promptly to any downtime occurrences. This proactive approach minimizes the risk of revenue loss and reduces the chances of slashing penalties.

Tikuna 2.0 offers real-time monitoring capabilities, helping in keeping the validators to remain operational and synchronized with the blockchain. Furthermore, it assists users in optimizing node performance through comprehensive network monitoring. The inclusion of user-friendly dashboards and historical data analysis empowers novice operators, equipping them to make well-informed decisions about their node operations. This support is instrumental in simplifying the node-running experience for newcomers to the Rocketpool ecosystem.

How does this help people already running a Rocket Pool node?

Experienced Ethereum network node validators can derive substantial advantages from an AI-powered monitoring and alerting tool, such as the one we propose with Tikuna 2.0.

With our solution, we aim to introduce instant alerts and empower users, regardless of their experience level, to respond promptly to any downtime occurrences, thereby reducing the risk of revenue loss and mitigating the potential for slashing penalties.

Moreover, the utilization of AI’s advanced analytics capabilities provides an additional layer of protection for node operations. This enhanced security ensures that even experienced node validators can uncover and address security threats and vulnerabilities that might otherwise remain unnoticed when relying solely on traditional monitoring tools.

In summary, Tikuna 2.0 not only supports newcomers but also provides invaluable assistance and enhanced security to those who are already proficient in managing Rocket Pool nodes.

How does this help the Rocket Pool community?

We aim to improve the security of the Rocketpool ecosystem by providing validator security monitoring tools powered by AI. We have already carried out a research project supported by the Ethereum Foundation to build Tikuna, a security monitoring system for Ethereum’s P2P network. We plan to expand Tikuna to include different clients and enhance the privacy and practicality of collecting validator data.

How does this help RPL holders?


What other non-RPL protocols, DAOs, projects, or individuals, would stand to benefit from this grant?


Will the resulting project be open source?


Team ### Who is doing the work? ### What is the background of the person(s) doing the work? What experience do they have with such projects in the past?

The proposal will be executed by a team of professionals with extensive experience in their respective areas:

  1. Dr. Andres Gomez Ramirez serves as the CEO of Sakundi [4], an organization dedicated to security and privacy research for blockchain networks. He has a Ph.D. in cybersecurity from the University of Frankfurt and CERN. As a computer scientist with a deep understanding of information security, machine learning, and computing infrastructure setup, he is responsible for providing technical and scientific leadership for the project. His role encompasses leading research activities and overseeing the design and development of our organization’s products.
  2. Loui Al Sardy holds an M.Eng. in Software Engineering for Industrial Applications and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at the School of Engineering at Erlangen-Nuremberg University (Germany). With a strong background as a test engineer at a software development company, Loui has acquired valuable experience over the past seven years. Additionally, Loui has conducted research studies on “Intelligent Evolutionary Constraint-based Testing Approaches for Software Vulnerabilities Discovery.”
  3. Francis Gomez Ramirez is a computer scientist who obtained his degree from the Universidad Nacional of Colombia and has expertise in Project Management from UNITEC University. With a 12-year tenure at Grupo Bancolombia, Francis has demonstrated exceptional proficiency in managing infrastructure and suppliers. Notably, he has led groundbreaking AWS cloud migration processes and has successfully implemented infrastructure automation using pipelines in Azure DevOps. These accomplishments reflect Francis’s technical prowess and exceptional problem-solving abilities.

What is the breakdown of the proposed work, in terms of milestones and/or deadlines?

  1. Conducting a comprehensive investigation into the seamless integration of our existing monitoring and security tool, Tikuna within the Rocketpool ecosystem. Days: 18. Budget 20%
  2. Integrate and improve the Tikuna security dashboards in order to make them available to Rocketpool users. (Incorporate and enhance the Tikuna security dashboards, making sure they are easily accessible and user-friendly for Rocketpool platform users). Following the integration and enhancement phase, rigorous testing will be conducted to verify the functionality, accessibility, and user-friendliness of the Tikuna security dashboards for Rocketpool users. Days: 63. Budget 70%
  3. Write a report about the performed work. Days: 9. Budget 10%

How is the work being tested? Is testing included in the schedule?

We will validate the effectiveness of our developed solution through testing in real-world scenarios. This testing will be conducted using the infrastructure provided by our partner, Edenia, to simulate a live environment. Additionally, we will test our solution on our dedicated Blockchain nodes to ensure a comprehensive and robust evaluation.

The testing phase is an integral part of our project schedule, allowing us to assess the functionality, performance, and security of the solution under various conditions and use cases.

How will the work be maintained after delivery?

To ensure long-term sustainability, we will further develop the solution implemented through this grant. This approach will allow us to evolve the project into a fully sustainable and user-friendly product, enriched with additional features and functionalities.

Payment and Verification

What is the acceptance criteria?

  1. Rocketpool users have access to our security dashboard, enabling them to monitor their node validators by easily installing the source code available from our GitHub repository.
  2. A comprehensive final project report is published and made accessible to the Rocketpool community, providing valuable insights and information derived from our project’s outcomes.

What is the proposed payment schedule for the grant? How much USD $ and over what period of time is the applicant requesting?

Project Start Date

Project End Date

Total Days

Work Days

Principle Researchers Costs:

Andres Gomez Ramirez - Lead security researcher
Hourly rate: $45
Number of hours worked per person*: 360
Total: $16,200

Loui Al Sardy - Security researcher and developer
Hourly rate: $40
Number of hours worked per person*: 360
Total: $14,400

Francis Gomez Ramirez - Security researcher and developer
Hourly rate: $35
Number of hours worked per person*: 360
Total: $24,360

*Number of hours worked per person: 4H per day, 20H per week.

Operating expenses:
Server infrastructure:
Total: $5,000

Specialized hardware
Total: $3,000

Grand Total: $51,200

How will the GMC verify that the work delivered matches the proposed cadence?

To ensure the GMC can verify that our work aligns with the proposed cadence, we will provide the following:

  1. A comprehensive GitHub repository containing detailed documentation of our solution, allowing for transparent review of the project’s development and implementation.
  2. Test results derived from the live environment testing at our partner’s side, demonstrating the real-world functionality and performance of our solution.
  3. Submission of a final project report, consolidating our findings, insights, and accomplishments as a tangible record of our progress and outcomes.

What alternatives or options have been considered in order to save costs for the proposed project?

To optimize project costs by minimizing the project’s duration, we have explored the following strategies:

  1. Utilizing our partner’s infrastructure (Edenia) for testing purposes instead of procuring or renting similar infrastructure, effectively economizing on infrastructure expenses.
  2. Implementing a component reuse strategy, incorporating certain components from our existing Tikuna project. This approach streamlines development efforts and reduces the need for additional resource allocation, thus contributing to cost savings.

Conflict of Interest

Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the grant).


Will the recipient of the grant, or any protocol or project in which the recipient has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the grant is successful?```



  2. Academic Grants Round grantee announcement | Ethereum Foundation Blog

References pt.2

This message marks the closing of the fifth round of Rocket Pool grant applications. Any applications submitted after this will not be considered for this round. The GMC will announce the award recipients in a new thread here on the forums around October 29. The community will then have two weeks to issue any challenges before funds are disbursed. Thank you to all who applied and thank you to everyone who has followed along. Anyone who would like to comment on existing applications is encouraged to do so in this thread.

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