Looking for IMCers

Hi all,

We’ll be getting a new IMC member selection “soon” (some time between now and the end of May). Before we get to any formal bits, I wanted to describe the work of the IMC, so that folks can make informed decisions about whether they wish to join us. I should also note nothing in here requires prior experience/expertise.


If you are up for this baseline level of work, I encourage you to apply. In the year since the last selection, we’ve lost some people and some folks are dragging. Good reviewing without nagging would be great in and of itself.

  • Review + sign: 2 hours every fortnight (2 weeks; we tend to do most of our work in fortnightly batches)
  • Discuss strategy: 1-2 hours a week
    • This happens on the IMC discord. It covers things like “what L2s should we support”, “how comfortable are we feeling with our runway”, “what concentrated range should we use for our next protocol-owned liquidity”, etc. Often, discussions end in little votes with thumbs up/down or selecting a preference out of a small number of choices.

Beyond the baseline

Not everyone needs to be doing these things. Of course, “many hands make light work,” so having more folks doing these things would be fabulous. If any of this sounds cool… please come join us.

  • Partner communication: in the last 2 weeks I’ve been in touch with 9 partners about something. Sometimes it’s coincentives, sometimes it’s an execution detail, sometimes they’re asking us to try something, sometimes we want to change something in a deployment… it varies a fair amount. This is usually a trickle, but it can ocassionally come in a bunch. It can also sometimes pack some urgency behind it, though we try to avoid that.
  • Researching new protocols: when we want to use a new protocol, we need to learn about it. This includes reading up on their audits, understanding how long they’ve been deployed, understanding who has what administrative powers (which might also entail understanding multisigs or governance), etc.
  • Figuring out new transactions: After we understand a protocol at a high level, we need to understand how to interact with them effectively. This involves documentation, finding on-chain exemplar transactions, and sometimes talking with the protocol.
  • Budget planning: this part of spreadsheeting takes the IMC’s decisions and reduces them to line items. We’ll spend x ETH worth of RPL on blah.
  • Building transactions: this is actually putting together the transactions that execute on the budget plan. Usually, we have a very similar set of transactions to build from. This involves carefully checking all addresses, hashes, amounts, etc. This is like the “Review” step, but with a lot more open space to make a mistake. Ofc, you have the safety net of the reviewers.
  • Accounting: this part of spreadsheeting takes completed transactions and tracks them on the spreadsheet with info that anyone can follow easily to find any transaction if they wish to. It also involves cross-checking totals with reality and tracking down any discrepancies.
  • Posting on forums: the IMC treasurer (currently Val) has a duty to post prospective plans and retrospective reports. The IMC treasurer has been pretty delinquent at this.

I hope that description sounds interesting to many of you :slight_smile:
Please feel free to ask questions here, or reach out to an existing IMC member