I’m putting option A, however, I am flexible, especially if IMC wants more also. What I really want is some more to the GMC and generally more being spent for useful purposes. The treasury needs more income, imo, but overall more from direct ETH income and RPL inflation but not more as a percentage compared to the committees.
I think someone will come along and say, “what about the security council to be?” which is valid. I can’t recall how much they will want.
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If I had to rank them it would be B>A>C. i keep hearing that IMC is short of funds too.
The IMC did have to cut back too, but it’s important to consider that the reserve treasury isn’t just excess funds we don’t need. The dev team gets paid from there and we will likely need it to fund a security council in the future. Essentially any DAO expenses that are not related to the specific committees come out of the reserve treasury.
Dev team funding (5% of inflation) already takes up 18% of the pDAO share. If we reduce the reserve treasury to 25%, we only have 2% of RPL inflation (currently $9200 per month) left to play with for the security council and anything else we may need. That’s not a decision to be taken lightly and I would be against reallocating any reserve funds to the IMC.
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That’s also a good argument for diverting some of the NO RPL inflation to the treasury during Saturn 1. RPL stakers will get eth from voter share, so wean them off of their share of RPL inflation by sending some to reserve.